Seite 2 von 7

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Sa 30. Apr 2016, 08:57
von vanhofen
TangoCash hat geschrieben:z.B. "kann" mein lcd4linux schon Truetype schriftarten rendern ;)
und ich hab einen daemon der den SPF erkennt, (und umschaltet) und dann ldc4linux startet bzw beendet.
Klingt gut. Ich lasse dir mal meine LCD4Linux-Patches zukommen. Dann kann man das ja vielleicht zusammenfassen.

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Sa 30. Apr 2016, 19:36
von fred_feuerstein
Das klingt sehr gut. Also das mit dem rendern der Schriften.

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: So 1. Mai 2016, 14:54
von Nadine
Wo ich kurz am lcd4linux beteiligt war, brauchte man das Tool zum Dauerhaften Umschalten des Modusses schon nicht mehr. Das wurde alles in lcd4linux integriert.

Ob der gewünschte Bilderrahmen unterstützt wird, erfährt man mit

/bin/lcd4linux -l

Code: Alles auswählen

[twin] /var # /bin/lcd4linux -l
LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-1180 by NG-Team
Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 The LCD4Linux Team <>

available display drivers:
   DPF                 : generic hacked photo frame
   SamsungSPF          : SamsungSPF driver, supported models [SPF-75H, SPF-85H, SPF-107H, SPF-72H, SPF-85P, SPF-83H, SPF-87H-old, SPF-87H, SPF-107H-new, SPF-105P, SPF-1000P, SPF-700T]

available plugins:
  cfg, math, string, test, time, apm, button_exec, cpuinfo, diskstats, dvb, exec, event, fifo, file, hddtemp, i2c_sensors, loadavg, meminfo, netdev, netinfo, proc_stat, statfs, uname, uptime

[twin] /var #

Dann muss die Kennung des Bilderrahmens, welche lsusb für den Samsung ausspuckt, wenn er im Wechseldatenträgermodus ist, nach

Code: Alles auswählen

damit die 'Automatiken' auch greifen.

Von dort wird dann lcd4linux gestartet und dieses schaltet dann den Samsung Biderrahmen in den passenden Modus.

Das Tool, welches das reine Umschalten erledigt, (er)kennt den 105er glaub ich auch nicht. Das wurde mir freundlicherweise damals im db2w für meinen Samsung kompiliert, da ich mit cross compilen auf dem Kriegsfuß stand (und noch stehe).

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: So 1. Mai 2016, 19:16
von Gorcon
Und wie soll da dann der zusätzliche Eintrag aussehen? (für die DPF Displays gibts da ja auch keinen).
Oder soll man da die antwort von /bin/lcd4linux -l eintragen?

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Mo 2. Mai 2016, 08:07
von Nadine

Code: Alles auswählen

[Neo] /etc/mdev # cat
LOG="/bin/logger -p -t mdev-usb"
WARN="/bin/logger -p user.warn -t mdev-usb"


# supported dpf-devices

# supported spf-devices
SPFstorage="04E8:200E 04E8:2012 04E8:2027 04E8:2033 04E8:2025"
SPFmonitor="04E8:200F 04E8:2013 04E8:2028 04E8:2034 04E8:2026"
# SPFmodel: ^SPF-75H  ^SPF-85H  ^SPF-107H ^SPF-87H  ^SPF-87Hold
SPF="${SPFstorage} ${SPFmonitor}"

for DEVICE in ${DEVICES}; do
        V=$(echo ${DEVICE:0:4} | sed 's/^[0]*//' | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) # lower case vendor  w/o leading zeros
        P=$(echo ${DEVICE:5:4} | sed 's/^[0]*//' | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) # lower case product w/o leading zeros

        case "$ACTION" in
                        #$LOG "trying to process ${DEVICE} (V:{$V} P:{$P}) on ${MDEV}"


                        test -e $uevent                                 || continue
                        grep "^PRODUCT=${V}/${P}/*" $uevent >/dev/null  || continue

                        $LOG "supported device (ID ${DEVICE}) on ${MDEV} found"

                        # dpf/spf-support
                        if $(echo "${DPF} ${SPF}" | grep -q "${DEVICE}"); then
                                $LOG "creating flagfile '$flagLCD'"
                                echo "${DEVICE}" > $flagLCD

                                if $(echo "${DPF} ${SPFstorage}" | grep -q "${DEVICE}"); then
                                        $LOG "DPF or SPF in storage mode found"
                                        $LOG "(re)starting lcd4linux"

                                        service lcd4linux restart

                                if $(echo "${SPFmonitor}" | grep -q "${DEVICE}"); then
                                        $LOG "SPF in monitor mode found"
                                        if [ -e /tmp/ ]; then
                                                $LOG "do nothing"
                                                $LOG "(re)starting lcd4linux"
                                                service lcd4linux restart
                        #$LOG "trying to process ${DEVICE} (V:{$V} P:{$P}) on ${MDEV}"

                        # dpf/spf-support
                        if [ -e $flagLCD ]; then
                                grep "^${DEVICE}" $flagLCD >/dev/null   || continue

                                $LOG "supported DPF/SPF (ID ${DEVICE}) removed from ${MDEV}"

                                if $(echo "${DPF} ${SPFmonitor}" | grep -q "${DEVICE}"); then
                                        $LOG "DPF or SPF in monitor mode removed"
                                        $LOG "stopping lcd4linux"

                                        service lcd4linux stop

                                if $(echo "${SPFstorage}" | grep -q "${DEVICE}"); then
                                        $LOG "SPF in storage mode removed"
                                        $LOG "do nothing"

                                $LOG "removing flagfile '$flagLCD'"
                                rm -f $flagLCD
So sieht es bei mir aus. Wie man sehen kann, steht das DPF einzeln drin und die Samsungs unter spf-devices. Da ist bei mir kein 105er bei. Da kommen dann in Zeilen 10 und 11 die Adressen zusätzlich rein, welche lsusb ausgibt.

Meine Version ist schon älter, wie es im aktuellen Image aussieht, kann ich leider nicht sagen.

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Mo 2. Mai 2016, 08:15
von TangoCash
Für den 105 wäre es dann 04e8:201c (mass storage) + 04e8:201b (monitor mode) die dazu kämen.

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Mi 4. Mai 2016, 19:34
von Gorcon
Einen Monitormode gibts bei dem 105p aber nicht. (ich kenne jedenfalls keine Möglichkeit den zu aktivieren)
Aber wo sollen denn die Einträge überhaupt rein? in der lcd4linux gehts ja nicht, das ist ja eine Binär Datei und in der lcd4linux.conf gibt es solche Einträge nicht.

Irgendwie stehe ich auf dem Schlauch. :roll:

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Mi 4. Mai 2016, 19:41
von Nadine
Siehe meinen Post #23, die untere Hälfte. Das bringt aber nur etwas, wenn wie in meinem Post #23, obere Hälfte, beschrieben, der gewünschte Bilderrahmen aufgelistet wird.

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Mi 4. Mai 2016, 19:48
von vanhofen
Das LCD4Linux im heutigen Image hat einen automatischen Erkennungsmodus für SPFs. Tango hat das gebastelt.
In der lcd4linux.conf muss dazu "SPF-AUTO" eingetragen werden. Mehr kann ich aber aus Ermangelung eines SPFs nicht dazu sagen.

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Mi 4. Mai 2016, 21:22
von TangoCash
Wenn du den anschließt per minusb Buchse (Netzteil braucht man trotzdem beim 10") erscheint doch so was mit: "Connected to pc usb port" - dann lcd4linux starten,und der Rest sollte von alleine gehen...richtige conf vorausgesetzt.

am besten mal per telnet : lcd4linux -F -v
dann sieht man auch schön was gerade gemacht wird...

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 09:12
von Gorcon
Wenn du den anschließt per minusb Buchse (Netzteil braucht man trotzdem beim 10") erscheint doch so was mit: "Connected to pc usb port" - dann lcd4linux starten,und der Rest sollte von alleine gehen
Dann steht auf dem Display die Meldung das auf eine Verbindung mit dem PC gewartet wird.

In er sind die Einträge ja Original schon drin.

Code: Alles auswählen

Kernel: #1 Sat Apr 2 16:48:32 CEST 2016 @armv6l
Date: Thursday, 05 May 2016, 09:10:08

NI-FLASH-000179 login: root
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root # lcd4linux -F -v
LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-1201M by NG-Team starting
[raspi] WARNING: Plugin is not enabled! (set 'enabled 1' to enable this plugin)
dpf_ax_open: no matching USB device 'usb0' found!
dpf: cannot open dpf device usb0
Error initializing driver DPF: Exit!
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root #

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 09:18
von vanhofen
Das ist nicht das LCD4Linux aus unserem aktuellen Image.

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 09:22
von TangoCash
1. dein lcd4linux ist nicht aktuell genug (neustes image nutzen >= LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-svn1203-20-gba1aa48)
2. deine /etc/lcd4linux.conf passt nicht zum Bilderrahmen.

In der conf sollte sowas stehen:

Code: Alles auswählen

Display Samsung {
   driver      'SamsungSPF'
   model      'SPF-AUTO'
   port      'usb0'
   font      '26x40'
   size      '1024x600'
   Basecolor  '000000' # Basisfarbe
   Background '000000' # Displayhintergrund
   Foreground 'ffffff' # Displayvordergrund
   orientation   1
   backlight     7
Display   'Samsung'

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 09:50
von Gorcon
Ich habe jetzt die aktuelle Version geflasht.
In der lcd4linux.conf muss dazu "SPF-AUTO" eingetragen werden.
In welcher? Es gibt ja im NI Image immer zwei. Eine unter /etc/ und die zweite unter /var/etc/

Code: Alles auswählen

Kernel: #1 Sat Apr 2 16:48:32 CEST 2016 @armv6l
Date: Thursday, 05 May 2016, 09:49:10

NI-FLASH-000179 login: root
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root # lcd4linux -F -v
LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-svn1203-23-gce385f6 starting
[raspi] WARNING: Plugin is not enabled! (set 'enabled 1' to enable this plugin)
dpf_ax_open: no matching USB device 'usb0' found!
dpf: cannot open dpf device usb0
Error initializing driver DPF: Exit!
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root #
Habe jetzt nochmal die SPF Display Einträge in der /etc/lcd4linux.conf eingetragen.

Das Ergebniss bleibt das gleiche.

Code: Alles auswählen

Kernel: #1 Sat Apr 2 16:48:32 CEST 2016 @armv6l
Date: Thursday, 05 May 2016, 09:53:54

NI-FLASH-000179 login: root
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root # lcd4linux -F -v
LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-svn1203-23-gce385f6 starting
[raspi] WARNING: Plugin is not enabled! (set 'enabled 1' to enable this plugin)
dpf_ax_open: no matching USB device 'usb0' found!
dpf: cannot open dpf device usb0
Error initializing driver DPF: Exit!
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root #
Müssen da alle DPF Einträge dann raus?

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 11:10
von TangoCash
Ja, DPF raus, SPF rein

wenn du dir nicht sicher bist welche config er nimmt -> lcd4linux -F -v -f /etc/lcd4linux.conf

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 11:15
von Gorcon

Code: Alles auswählen

Kernel: #1 Sat Apr 2 16:48:32 CEST 2016 @armv6l
Date: Thursday, 05 May 2016, 11:13:28

NI-FLASH-000179 login: root
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root # lcd4linux -F -v
LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-svn1203-23-gce385f6 starting
[raspi] WARNING: Plugin is not enabled! (set 'enabled 1' to enable this plugin)
missing 'Display:standard.Driver' entry in /etc/lcd4linux.conf!
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root #
Die lcd4linux sieht jetzt so aus:

Code: Alles auswählen

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Display Samsung {
   driver      'SamsungSPF'
   model      'SPF-AUTO'
   port      'usb0'
   font      '26x40'
   size      '1024x600'
   Basecolor  '000000' # Basisfarbe
   Background '000000' # Displayhintergrund
   Foreground 'ffffff' # Displayvordergrund
   orientation   1
   backlight     7

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# --- general widgets (partly postfixed with _layout) --- #

Widget LOGO {
	class		'Image'
	file		file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? ICONS . 'menu.png' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/logo', 1)
	update		3300
	visible		file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 1 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1)
	reload		1
	center		1

Widget SERVICE {
	class 'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1))
	align		'PC'
	width		20
	update		3300

Widget SERVICE_large {
	class 'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1))
	align		'PC'
	width		16
	update		3300

Widget SERVICE_small {
	class 'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1))
	align		'PC'
	width		32
	update		3300

Widget SERVICE_d-box2 {
	class 'Text'
	#expression	file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1)
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1))
	align		'PC'
	width		20
	update		3300

Widget EVENT {
	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1)
	align		'PC'
	width		20
	update		250
	speed		325
	foreground	'ee9a49'

Widget EVENT_large {
	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1)
	align		'PC'
	width		16
	update		250
	speed		325
	foreground	'ee9a49'

Widget EVENT_small {
	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1)
	align		'PC'
	width		32
	update		250
	speed		325
	foreground	'ee9a49'

Widget EVENT_d-box2 {
	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1)
	align		'PC'
	width		20
	update		250
	speed		325

	class		'Bar'
	expression	0
	expression2	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		18
	update		2600
	foreground	'ee9a49aa'
	barcolor0	'00000000'

Widget PROGRESS_large {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		14
	update		2600
	foreground	'000000aa'

Widget PROGRESS_small {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		30
	update		2600
	foreground	'ee9a49aa'

Widget PROGRESS_d-box2 {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	0
	expression2	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		10
	update		2600
	barcolor0	'00000000'

	class 'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 1)
	align		'R'
	width		13
	update		500
	foreground	'ee9a49'

Widget VOLUME_d-box2 {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	file::readline('/tmp/lcd/volume', 1)
	expression2	0
	min		0
	max		100
	length		10
	update		1000
	barcolor1	'00000000'

Widget TIME {
	class		'Text'
	expression	strftime('%H:%M', time())
	align		'L'
	width		5
	update		5000
	foreground	'808080'

Widget TIME_d-box2 {
	class		'Text'
	expression	strftime('%H:%M', time())
	align		'L'
	width		5
	update		5000

# --- system-info --- #

Widget CPU {
	class		'Text'
	prefix		'CPU: '
	expression	proc_stat::cpu('busy', 500)
	postfix		'%'
	precision	1
	align		'R'
	width		11
	update		1000
	foreground	'808080'

Widget CPU_BAR {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	proc_stat::cpu('busy', 500)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		17
	style		'H'
	update		500
	foreground	'808080'

Widget RAM {
	class		'Text'
	prefix		'RAM: '
	expression	100 - ((meminfo('MemFree') * 100) / meminfo('MemTotal'))
	postfix		'%'
	precision	1
	align		'R'
	width		11
	update		1000
	foreground	'808080'

Widget MTD {
	class		'Text'
	prefix		'MTD: '
	expression	100 - (statfs('/', 'bfree') * 100) / statfs('/', 'blocks')
	postfix		'%'
	precision	1
	align		'R'
	width		11
	update		1000
	foreground	'808080'

# --- general mode-icons --- #

Widget ICON_ECM {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/ecm_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_ecm', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/timer_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_timer', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_REC {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/rec_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_rec', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_TS {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/ts_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_tshift', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

# --- d-box2 mode-icons --- #

Widget ICON_ECM_d-box2 {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/ecm_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_ecm', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_TIMER_d-box2 {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/timer_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_timer', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_REC_d-box2 {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/rec_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_rec', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_TS_d-box2 {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/ts_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_tshift', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

# --- the background --- #

	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'background/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png'
	update		0

# --- the clocks for standby-mode --- #

# --- the digital clock --- #

Widget HOUR1_ {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 0, 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget HOUR_1 {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget DP {
	class		'Image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/dp.png'
	update		0

Widget MIN1_ {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 0, 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget MIN_1 {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

# --- the analog clock --- #

Widget DIAL_A {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/dial.png'
	update		0

Widget HOUR_A {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/h' . ( ( (strftime('%I', time()) == 12 ? 0 : strftime('%I', time())) *5) + substr((strftime('%M', time()) / 12), 0, 1) ). '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget MIN_A {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/m' . strftime('%M', time()) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

# --- the weather --- #

	class		'Text'
	expression	exec('/share/lcd/scripts/weather', 900000) # 15 minutes
	width		0

	class		'Image'
	file		file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'weather/weather_off.png' : ICONS . 'weather/weather_on.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'weather/0000.png' : ICONS . 'weather/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weathericons', 1)
	update		10000
	reload		1

	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'weather/0000.png' : ICONS . 'weather/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weathericons', strftime('%H', time()) < 16 ? 2 : 3)
	update		10000
	reload		1

	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/temperatures', 1)
	align		'L'
	width		3
	update		10000

	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/temperatures', strftime('%H', time()) < 16 ? 2 : 3)
	align		'R'
	width		3
	update		10000

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Layout standard {
	layer 0 {
		row02.col01	'SERVICE'
		row04.col01	'EVENT'
		row05.col02	'PROGRESS'
		row07 {
			col07	'DURATION'
			col02	'TIME'

	layer 1 {
		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

		x021.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout radio {
	layer 0 {
		row02.col01	'SERVICE'
		row04.col01	'EVENT'
		row05.col02	'PROGRESS'
		row07 {
			col07	'DURATION'
			col02	'TIME'

	layer 1 {
		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

		x021.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout large {
	layer 0 {
		row02.col01	'SERVICE_large'
		row04.col01	'EVENT_large'
		row05.col02	'PROGRESS_large'

	layer 1 {
		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

		x044.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout small {
	layer 0 {
		row04.col01	'SERVICE_small'
		row06.col01	'EVENT_small'
		row08.col02	'PROGRESS_small'
		row12 {
			col02	'CPU'
			col15	'CPU_BAR'
		row13.col02	'RAM'
		row14 {
			col02	'MTD'
			col27	'TIME'

	layer 1 {
		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

		x021.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout d-box2 {
	layer 0 {
		row01.col04	'PROGRESS_d-box2'
		row03.col01	'SERVICE_d-box2'
		row05.col01	'EVENT_d-box2'
		row07 {
			col04	'VOLUME_d-box2'
			col15	'TIME_d-box2'

	layer 1 {
		x045.y073	'ICON_ECM_d-box2'
		x045.y217	'ICON_TIMER_d-box2'
		x045.y258	'ICON_REC_d-box2'
		x045.y289	'ICON_TS_d-box2'

		x060.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout standby {
	layer 0 {
		x020.y085	'MIN_A'

		X034.Y025	'HOUR1_'
		X034.Y085	'HOUR_1'
		X034.Y145	'DP'
		X034.Y175	'MIN1_'
		X034.Y235	'MIN_1'

		row01.col1	'EXEC_WEATHER-SCRIPT'
		x225.y132	'ICON_WEATHER'
		row07.col12	'TEMPERATURE_LATER'

	layer 1 {
		x020.y085	'HOUR_A'

		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

	layer 2 {
		x020.y000	'DIAL_A'

		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Variables {
	ICONS		'/share/lcd/icons/'
	FWEATHER	'/var/etc/.lcd-weather'
	FCLOCK		'/var/etc/.lcd-clock_a'

	# color for layout "d-box2" {
		#DBOX2COL	'f50204'	# red
		#DBOX2COL	'509701'	# green
		#DBOX2COL	'3763eb'	# blue
		DBOX2COL	'f0f5f5'	# white
		#DBOX2COL	'e6e628'	# yellow
		#DBOX2COL	'dc1ea0'	# pink
	# }

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Display	file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1)

Layout	file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 12:03
von TangoCash
Das fehlt noch eine Zeile "Display 'Samsung'"
Du musst schon richtig kopieren aus meinem Post ;)

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 12:09
von Gorcon
keine Ändereung.

Code: Alles auswählen

Kernel: #1 Sat Apr 2 16:48:32 CEST 2016 @armv6l
Date: Thursday, 05 May 2016, 12:08:02

NI-FLASH-000179 login: root
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root # lcd4linux -F -v
LCD4Linux 0.11.0-SVN-svn1203-23-gce385f6 starting
[raspi] WARNING: Plugin is not enabled! (set 'enabled 1' to enable this plugin)
missing 'Display:user.Driver' entry in /etc/lcd4linux.conf!
[NI-FLASH-000179] /var/root #

Code: Alles auswählen

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Display Samsung {
   driver      'SamsungSPF'
   model      'SPF-AUTO'
   port      'usb0'
   font      '26x40'
   size      '1024x600'
   Basecolor  '000000' # Basisfarbe
   Background '000000' # Displayhintergrund
   Foreground 'ffffff' # Displayvordergrund
   orientation   1
   backlight     7
Display   'Samsung'  

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# --- general widgets (partly postfixed with _layout) --- #

Widget LOGO {
	class		'Image'
	file		file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? ICONS . 'menu.png' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/logo', 1)
	update		3300
	visible		file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 1 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1)
	reload		1
	center		1

Widget SERVICE {
	class 'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1))
	align		'PC'
	width		20
	update		3300

Widget SERVICE_large {
	class 'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1))
	align		'PC'
	width		16
	update		3300

Widget SERVICE_small {
	class 'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1))
	align		'PC'
	width		32
	update		3300

Widget SERVICE_d-box2 {
	class 'Text'
	#expression	file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1)
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : (file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_logo', 1) == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/service', 1))
	align		'PC'
	width		20
	update		3300

Widget EVENT {
	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1)
	align		'PC'
	width		20
	update		250
	speed		325
	foreground	'ee9a49'

Widget EVENT_large {
	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1)
	align		'PC'
	width		16
	update		250
	speed		325
	foreground	'ee9a49'

Widget EVENT_small {
	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1)
	align		'PC'
	width		32
	update		250
	speed		325
	foreground	'ee9a49'

Widget EVENT_d-box2 {
	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? file::readline('/tmp/lcd/menu', 1) : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/event', 1)
	align		'PC'
	width		20
	update		250
	speed		325

	class		'Bar'
	expression	0
	expression2	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		18
	update		2600
	foreground	'ee9a49aa'
	barcolor0	'00000000'

Widget PROGRESS_large {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		14
	update		2600
	foreground	'000000aa'

Widget PROGRESS_small {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		30
	update		2600
	foreground	'ee9a49aa'

Widget PROGRESS_d-box2 {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	0
	expression2	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? 0 : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/progress', 1)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		10
	update		2600
	barcolor0	'00000000'

	class 'Text'
	expression	file::exist('/tmp/lcd/menu') == 1 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/duration', 1)
	align		'R'
	width		13
	update		500
	foreground	'ee9a49'

Widget VOLUME_d-box2 {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	file::readline('/tmp/lcd/volume', 1)
	expression2	0
	min		0
	max		100
	length		10
	update		1000
	barcolor1	'00000000'

Widget TIME {
	class		'Text'
	expression	strftime('%H:%M', time())
	align		'L'
	width		5
	update		5000
	foreground	'808080'

Widget TIME_d-box2 {
	class		'Text'
	expression	strftime('%H:%M', time())
	align		'L'
	width		5
	update		5000

# --- system-info --- #

Widget CPU {
	class		'Text'
	prefix		'CPU: '
	expression	proc_stat::cpu('busy', 500)
	postfix		'%'
	precision	1
	align		'R'
	width		11
	update		1000
	foreground	'808080'

Widget CPU_BAR {
	class		'Bar'
	expression	proc_stat::cpu('busy', 500)
	min		0
	max		100
	length		17
	style		'H'
	update		500
	foreground	'808080'

Widget RAM {
	class		'Text'
	prefix		'RAM: '
	expression	100 - ((meminfo('MemFree') * 100) / meminfo('MemTotal'))
	postfix		'%'
	precision	1
	align		'R'
	width		11
	update		1000
	foreground	'808080'

Widget MTD {
	class		'Text'
	prefix		'MTD: '
	expression	100 - (statfs('/', 'bfree') * 100) / statfs('/', 'blocks')
	postfix		'%'
	precision	1
	align		'R'
	width		11
	update		1000
	foreground	'808080'

# --- general mode-icons --- #

Widget ICON_ECM {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/ecm_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_ecm', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/timer_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_timer', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_REC {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/rec_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_rec', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_TS {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/ts_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_tshift', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

# --- d-box2 mode-icons --- #

Widget ICON_ECM_d-box2 {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/ecm_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_ecm', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_TIMER_d-box2 {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/timer_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_timer', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_REC_d-box2 {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/rec_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_rec', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget ICON_TS_d-box2 {
	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'mode/d-box2/ts_' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/mode_tshift', 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

# --- the background --- #

	class		'Image'
	file		ICONS . 'background/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1) . '.png'
	update		0

# --- the clocks for standby-mode --- #

# --- the digital clock --- #

Widget HOUR1_ {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 0, 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget HOUR_1 {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%H', time()), 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget DP {
	class		'Image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/dp.png'
	update		0

Widget MIN1_ {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 0, 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget MIN_1 {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 1 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/digital/' . substr(strftime('%M', time()), 1) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

# --- the analog clock --- #

Widget DIAL_A {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/dial.png'
	update		0

Widget HOUR_A {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/h' . ( ( (strftime('%I', time()) == 12 ? 0 : strftime('%I', time())) *5) + substr((strftime('%M', time()) / 12), 0, 1) ). '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

Widget MIN_A {
	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FCLOCK) == 0 ? ICONS . 'blank.png' : ICONS . 'clock/analog/m' . strftime('%M', time()) . '.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

# --- the weather --- #

	class		'Text'
	expression	exec('/share/lcd/scripts/weather', 900000) # 15 minutes
	width		0

	class		'Image'
	file		file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'weather/weather_off.png' : ICONS . 'weather/weather_on.png'
	update		10000
	reload		1

	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'weather/0000.png' : ICONS . 'weather/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weathericons', 1)
	update		10000
	reload		1

	class		'image'
	file		file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? ICONS . 'weather/0000.png' : ICONS . 'weather/' . file::readline('/tmp/lcd/weathericons', strftime('%H', time()) < 16 ? 2 : 3)
	update		10000
	reload		1

	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/temperatures', 1)
	align		'L'
	width		3
	update		10000

	class		'Text'
	expression	file::exist(FWEATHER) == 0 ? '' : file::readline('/tmp/lcd/temperatures', strftime('%H', time()) < 16 ? 2 : 3)
	align		'R'
	width		3
	update		10000

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Layout standard {
	layer 0 {
		row02.col01	'SERVICE'
		row04.col01	'EVENT'
		row05.col02	'PROGRESS'
		row07 {
			col07	'DURATION'
			col02	'TIME'

	layer 1 {
		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

		x021.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout radio {
	layer 0 {
		row02.col01	'SERVICE'
		row04.col01	'EVENT'
		row05.col02	'PROGRESS'
		row07 {
			col07	'DURATION'
			col02	'TIME'

	layer 1 {
		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

		x021.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout large {
	layer 0 {
		row02.col01	'SERVICE_large'
		row04.col01	'EVENT_large'
		row05.col02	'PROGRESS_large'

	layer 1 {
		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

		x044.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout small {
	layer 0 {
		row04.col01	'SERVICE_small'
		row06.col01	'EVENT_small'
		row08.col02	'PROGRESS_small'
		row12 {
			col02	'CPU'
			col15	'CPU_BAR'
		row13.col02	'RAM'
		row14 {
			col02	'MTD'
			col27	'TIME'

	layer 1 {
		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

		x021.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout d-box2 {
	layer 0 {
		row01.col04	'PROGRESS_d-box2'
		row03.col01	'SERVICE_d-box2'
		row05.col01	'EVENT_d-box2'
		row07 {
			col04	'VOLUME_d-box2'
			col15	'TIME_d-box2'

	layer 1 {
		x045.y073	'ICON_ECM_d-box2'
		x045.y217	'ICON_TIMER_d-box2'
		x045.y258	'ICON_REC_d-box2'
		x045.y289	'ICON_TS_d-box2'

		x060.y017	'LOGO'

	layer 2 {
		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

Layout standby {
	layer 0 {
		x020.y085	'MIN_A'

		X034.Y025	'HOUR1_'
		X034.Y085	'HOUR_1'
		X034.Y145	'DP'
		X034.Y175	'MIN1_'
		X034.Y235	'MIN_1'

		row01.col1	'EXEC_WEATHER-SCRIPT'
		x225.y132	'ICON_WEATHER'
		row07.col12	'TEMPERATURE_LATER'

	layer 1 {
		x020.y085	'HOUR_A'

		x008.y073	'ICON_ECM'
		x008.y217	'ICON_TIMER'
		x008.y258	'ICON_REC'
		x008.y289	'ICON_TS'

	layer 2 {
		x020.y000	'DIAL_A'

		x001.y001	'BACKGROUND'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Variables {
	ICONS		'/share/lcd/icons/'
	FWEATHER	'/var/etc/.lcd-weather'
	FCLOCK		'/var/etc/.lcd-clock_a'

	# color for layout "d-box2" {
		#DBOX2COL	'f50204'	# red
		#DBOX2COL	'509701'	# green
		#DBOX2COL	'3763eb'	# blue
		DBOX2COL	'f0f5f5'	# white
		#DBOX2COL	'e6e628'	# yellow
		#DBOX2COL	'dc1ea0'	# pink
	# }

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Display	file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1)

Layout	file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 12:16
von Chinchilla
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Display Samsung {
driver 'SamsungSPF'
model 'SPF-AUTO'
port 'usb0'
font '26x40'
size '1024x600'
Basecolor '000000' # Basisfarbe
Background '000000' # Displayhintergrund
Foreground 'ffffff' # Displayvordergrund
orientation 1
backlight 7

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

Display file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1)

Layout file::readline('/tmp/lcd/layout', 1)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Du machst da gravierende Fehler. Ich hab dir das mal gelb markiert, da rot bei diesem Hintergrund nicht mehr zu sehen ist.
In deiner config unten die letzten beiden Zeilen,da wird der name des zu intitialisirenden Displays und Layout geholt. Folglich darf oben bei der Initialisierung nur entweder:
Display large ; Display user ; Display standard ; Display standby auftauchen.
In der Regel reichen aber Display user und Display standby !
Aber vorsicht! Bei Display standby wird die lcd4linux.config aus /etc genommen.
Wärend bei Display user die lcd4linux.config aus /var/etc genommen wird.

Re: [Suche]HowTo SPF-105P für LCD4Linux

Verfasst: Do 5. Mai 2016, 12:32
von Gorcon
Du machst da gravierende Fehler
Mhhh... ich habe das so 1:1 rauskopiert!
Bei Dir fehlt jetzt aber die letzte Zeile.

Was ist nun richtig?
Aber egal ob ich da jetzt als erste Zeile

Code: Alles auswählen

Display user {
drin stehen habe es bleibt immer die gleiche Meldung. Das Display wird nicht initialisiert. :cry: