AX/MUTANT - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

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Registriert: Di 21. Feb 2017, 17:35

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Myrmidon »

einstellungen - tasten - langen tastendruck aktivieren und auf 550ms, tasten dann beliebig einstellen (kurz = start, lang = pause). :ok_hand:
Prima funktioniert :) thx

Was nicht funktioniert ist "Letzter Wiedergabestop", startet dann bei 0 und löscht auch den letzten Wiedergabestop.

Gruß Myrmidon
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

So, habe jetzt die Version von gestern Abend geflasht.

CEC: Box schaltet meinen TV jetzt aus aber nicht mehr an. Mit der Version vom 16.10. ging gar nichts. Also wurde es schonmal besser :thumbsup:

Pause: Playtaste auf long gesetzt. Pause funktioniert. Nur wenn ich dann nochmal die Playtaste drücke (unabhängig ob lang oder kurz), dann springt die Wiedergabe zum Anfang der Aufnahme, unabhängig davon, an welcher Stelle ich vorher Pause gedrückt hatte.

Mount: nach wie vor wird der erste Mount nicht beim Start durchgeführt. Manuell geht weiterhin.

Abspielen von Aufnahmen: Problem mit der Wiedergabe besteht unverändert. Box muss neugestartet werden.
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
Has thanked: 7 times
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

Hab noch nen kleinen Fehler in yweb gefunden. Betrifft die Mutant Fernbedienung.

Hier ist in der Y_Blocks.txt in Zeile 1048

Code: Alles auswählen

<area shape="rect" coords="115,424,148,452" href="javascript:rcsim('KEY_PAFEDOWN')" />
ein kleiner Tippfehler, welcher die Taste unbrauchbar macht.

Richtig wäre hier

Code: Alles auswählen

<area shape="rect" coords="115,424,148,452" href="javascript:rcsim('KEY_PAGEDOWN')" />
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von gandharva »

Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

Mit der heutigen Version ist von meiner Seite her folgender Stand:

Mount: alle Mounts werden beim Start durchgeführt. Also von meiner Seite her top :thumbsup:

CEC: Box schaltet meinen TV aus und jetzt auch wieder an. Leider nicht auf dem HDMI-Eingang, an welchem die Box hängt. Aber wieder einen Schritt besser :thumbsup:

Pause: Playtaste auf long gesetzt. Pause funktioniert. Nur wenn ich dann nochmal die Playtaste drücke (unabhängig ob lang oder kurz), dann springt die Wiedergabe zum Anfang der Aufnahme, unabhängig davon, an welcher Stelle ich vorher Pause gedrückt hatte.

Abspielen von Aufnahmen: Problem mit der Wiedergabe besteht unverändert. Box muss neugestartet werden.
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von gandharva »

Danke für dein Feedback!

Wenn es demnächst nicht mehr so Schlag auf Schlag geht, werde ich versuchen für die neuen AX Images immer ein kleines Changelog zu schreiben, damit jeder sieht was Sache ist. Ist noch ein weiter Weg, aber wenn man bedenkt das an diesen Images noch nichtmal 3 Wochen gebastelt wird, ist das doch schon ganz OK. Herzlichen Dank hier auch nochmal an die ddt-Jungs (vor allem TangoCash) und an flk!
Nazi lives don't matter.
NI - Team
Beiträge: 797
Registriert: Di 5. Apr 2016, 16:54
Box: Neo, Neo², Zee², AX-HD51, HD60
Has thanked: 27 times
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Knicko »

ja, geil was Ihr bis jetzt geleistet habt. Hut ab.
Macht richtig Spass. :sunglasses:

cec hier am Samsung UE40 klappt einwandfrei. Über HDMI.

gr. Knicko
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

Auch von meiner Seite her ein großes Lob für die super Arbeit in der kurzen Zeit. Natürlich auch der Dank an alle, die Euch im Hintergrund dabei unterstützt haben und die Brücke zu der Hardwareplattform ermöglicht haben :thumbsup:

Habe gerade die Version von gestern 22:02Uhr geflasht.

Bei meinen genannten Fehlern sehe ich leider auf den ersten Blick keine Besserung:

CEC schaltet meinen Panasonic aus und wieder an. Letzteres leider auf falschem Kanal. Bei meiner alten Neo² Twin hat das funktioniert.

Movieplayer: ich denke langsam das hat auch mit der Filegröße zu tun. Wenn ich kurze Aufnahmen habe (nur ein paar Minuten), dann werden diese in der Regel auch abgespielt. Wenn ich pausiere, dann hält das Bild an, bei Druck auf die Playtaste springt die Aufnahme zum Aufnahmestart. Wenn ich größere Files abspiele, dann ist es eine Glücksache ob es gestartet wird. Wenn es startet und ich Pause drücke, dann kann ich die Wiedergabe nicht mehr fortsetzen. Es erscheinen dann im OSD seltsame Zeitangaben wie negative Gesamtlaufzeiten der Aufnahme:

Ich kann dann nur noch über die Stopptaste zurück zum Moviebrowser. Dann ist es meist so, dass ich kein TV-Programm mehr im Hintergund habe und die Box auch nur über einen Neustart dazu bewegen kann wieder ein TV-Bild anzuzeigen. Der Neustart ist aber auch notwendig, wenn die Wiedergabe der Aufnahme gar nicht erst gestartet hat.
Zuletzt geändert von Bualicher am Mo 23. Okt 2017, 09:33, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
Has thanked: 7 times
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

So, jetzt mit der heutigen Version (15:12Uhr):

CEC unverändert. Wurde aber auch nichts geändert.

Movieplayer: Play nach Pause setzt die Wiedergabe fort. Gefühlt aber nicht an der gleichen Stelle, sondern ein Tick in der "Zukunft" (schätzungsweise 1-2s). Aber wird schonmal fortgesetzt :thumbsup: Leider immer noch das Problem mit den Abstürzen und dem nicht Abspielen der Mehrheit meiner Filme (Aufnahmen der Coolies).

Zu meiner Info: läuft denn der Movieplayer bei den anderen, die die HD51 bereits besitzen fehlerfrei? Ich war bisher der Einzige, der von dem Problem berichtet.

Auf jeden Fall vielen Dank für die super Arbeit und die viele Zeit die Ihr hier investiert :relaxed:
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

Don de Deckelwech
NI - Team
Beiträge: 1632
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 17:13
Wohnort: Wuppertal
Box: Tank / HD51 / Protek 4K für Kabel
Has thanked: 8 times
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Don de Deckelwech »

ich schieb grad mal ne Coolie-Aufnahme rüber, Test folgt.

"Ein Log, ist besser als kein Log!"
Don de Deckelwech
NI - Team
Beiträge: 1632
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 17:13
Wohnort: Wuppertal
Box: Tank / HD51 / Protek 4K für Kabel
Has thanked: 8 times
Been thanked: 24 times

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Don de Deckelwech »

also, hab die Aufnahme jetzt 2mal gestartet, kein Problem.
Die Aufnahme ist auf einer Coolstream Neo² Twin gemacht worden und die Datei liegt auch auf dieser Box (NFS Mount).
Liegts bei dir evtl am Mount? Hast du mal versucht, von Lokal (Usb-Stick o.ä.) abzuspielen?
edit: ...und auch mal testweise (falls vorhanden) eine gewisse illegale Image-erweiterung abschalten. ;)

"Ein Log, ist besser als kein Log!"
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
Has thanked: 7 times
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »


ich habe jetzt 2 Aufnahmen, welche irgendwo im Netzwerk liegen und nicht starten, lokal auf die Platte der HD51 kopiert.
Es ändert sich nichts am Abspielverhalten. Es wird jeweils weder die Aufnahme aus dem Netzwerk noch die lokale Kopie abgespielt.
Gerade noch auf ner Tank probiert. Hier laufen die Aufnahmen problemlos.
Erweiterung habe ich auch deaktiviert. Hierdurch fühlen sich laufende Aufnahmen harmonischer an. Auf die nichtlaufenden Aufnahmen hat es aber keinen Einfluss.
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
Has thanked: 7 times
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Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

Hier mal der Versuch eine lokale Datei (.ts), aufgenommen auf ner Neo²Twin und dann auf die lokale HDD kopiert, abzuspielen.
Hier das log per telnet über putty (was anderes geht aufgrund der fehlenden seriellen Schnittstelle ja auch momentan nicht):
Ich starte mit dem Aufruf des Movieplayers (TV-Programm, dann Playtaste).
[+] Spoiler

[HD51Schlaf] /var/root # setconsole
[HD51Schlaf] /var/root # key: 00a4 value 1, translate: 00cf -play-
key: 00a4 value 0, translate: 00cf -play-
[movieplayer] actionKey=tsmoviebrowser
[movieplayer] wakeup_hdd(/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie) for tsmoviebrowser
Oct 22 20:53:38 HD51Schlaf[3604]: try to wake up "/media/ST2 000LM015-2E81-1/movie" ...
[hdd] file [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie] -> dev [/dev/sda1]
[hdd] active
[movieplayer.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/movieplayer.start.
Oct 22 20:53:38 HD51Schlaf service[3612]: running /etc/init.d/tuxcald stop
Oct 22 20:53:38 HD51Schlaf service[3617]: running /etc/init.d/tuxmaild stop
Oct 22 20:53:38 HD51Schlaf[3622]: try to wake up "/media/ST2 000LM015-2E81-1/movie" ...
[hdd] file [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie] -> dev [/dev/sda1]
[hdd] active
CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: isBookmark 0 timeshift 0 isMovieBrowser 1
[mb] loadMovies:
[mb] new Dir: /media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/NAS_Filme/Aufnahmen_Neutrino/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/CoolieWohn/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/CoolieDach/
[mb] Dir4, Files:477
[mb]->updateSerienames: 0
[CMovieBrowser] loadMovies: 1046 ms to scan movies
[mb]->refreshFilterList 22
[mb]->refreshTitle : Meine Aufnahmen
[mb]->onSetGUIWindow: gui 1 -> 1
[CListFrame]->paint MovieBrowser
[mb]->onSetFocus: focus 0 -> 0
[mb]->refreshMovieInfo m_vMovieInfo.size 477
display 'auto mobil / Das VOX Automagazin'
[HD51Schlaf] /var/root # key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
[mb] start pos: 0 s
[CListFrame]->hide MovieBrowser
CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: file start 0 apid 0 atype 1 vpid 0 vtype 0
CMoviePlayerGui::makeFilename: file_name [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/VOX_auto_mobil___Das_VOX_Automagazin20171022_165602.ts] pretty_name [VOX auto mobil Das VOX Automagazin20171022 165602.ts]
display 'Das Erste HD'
PlayFileStart: starting...
stopPlayBack: stopping...
stopPlayBack: stopped
Startplay at 0 seconds
CMoviePlayerGui::handleMovieBrowser: reset vars
cutNeutrino: playing 0 isUPNP 0
[zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2298] standby 1 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[ 20:53:55.028 ] cDvbSubtitleConverter::Pause: pause
[dvb-sub] paused
cutNeutrino: save mode 1
CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 7 rezap 0
[LT:00619e88:play ] Open: PlayMode 1
[LT:00619e88:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start
[LT:00619e88:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - filename=/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/VOX_auto_mobil___Das_VOX_Automagazin20171022_165602.ts
[LT:00619e88:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - m_gst_playbin
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition NULL -> READY
[LT:00619e88:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
FindAllPids: 0 audio
[LT:00619e88:play ] SetPosition: pos 0 abs 1 playing 1
display '/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/VOX_auto_mobil___Das_VOX_Aut'

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_pad_link_full: assertion 'GST_IS_PAD (sinkpad)' failed

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition READY -> PAUSED
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp] Gst_bus_call - audio sink created
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp] Gst_bus_call - video sink created
[LT:00619e88:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00619e88:play ] SetPosition: pos 0 abs 1 playing 1

(neutrino:2582): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
So, hier ist die Box dann komplett ausgestiegen und ich kann nichts mehr machen. Habe noch Zugriff per telnet, aber per Fernbedienung geht nichts mehr. Auch kommt, egal was ich mache, nichts weiteres mehr im log.
Zuletzt geändert von Bualicher am So 22. Okt 2017, 21:26, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

NI - Team
Beiträge: 1230
Registriert: Di 5. Apr 2016, 17:17
Box: Tank,Trinity,Neo 1,Neo2,Neo²,HD51
Has thanked: 4 times
Been thanked: 6 times

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Miky »

Ich antworte mal vorsichtig. Nimm doch mal eine Aufnahme von einem Sender der auch legal auf der Coolstream aufgenommen werden kann. Durch die Blume ist Dir das ja schon wenigstens einmal gesagt worden :relaxed:
Boxen: Neo 1, Neo2 , Neo², Trinity, Tank, HD 51 alle SAT
Kein PN Support!
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
Has thanked: 7 times
Been thanked: 5 times

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

Sieht für mich eigentlich nach einer recht legalen Aufnahme aus :wink: Werde aber zukünftig ein größeres Augenmerk darauf legen :innocent:
Denke aber, dass die Quelle des Files für den Fehler nicht verantwortlich ist. Läuft auf meinen Coolies ganz normal.
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

NI - Team
Beiträge: 1230
Registriert: Di 5. Apr 2016, 17:17
Box: Tank,Trinity,Neo 1,Neo2,Neo²,HD51
Has thanked: 4 times
Been thanked: 6 times

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Miky »

Seit wann ist VOX HD auf einer Coolstream eine legale Aufnahme?
Boxen: Neo 1, Neo2 , Neo², Trinity, Tank, HD 51 alle SAT
Kein PN Support!
Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
Has thanked: 7 times
Been thanked: 5 times

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

file_name [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/VOX_auto_mobil___Das_VOX_Automagazin20171022_165602.ts] pretty_name [VOX auto mobil Das VOX Automagazin20171022 165602.ts]
Ich sehe kein VOX HD. Aber wie geschrieben, werde ich zukünftig aufpassen, dass sowas auch nicht dastehen wird :wink:
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

Beiträge: 351
Registriert: Di 12. Apr 2016, 12:22
Has thanked: 7 times
Been thanked: 5 times

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von Bualicher »

Also, neue Aufnahme, keine aktiven Erweiterungen:

Hier aus dem Netzwerk:
[+] Spoiler

[HD51Schlaf] /var/root # key: 00a4 value 1, translate: 00cf -play-
key: 00a4 value 0, translate: 00cf -play-
[movieplayer] actionKey=tsmoviebrowser
[movieplayer] wakeup_hdd(/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie) for tsmoviebrowser
Oct 23 16:29:38 HD51Schlaf[5713]: try to wake up "/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie" ...
[hdd] file [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie] -> dev [/dev/sda1]
[hdd] active
[movieplayer.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/movieplayer.start.
Oct 23 16:29:38 HD51Schlaf service[5721]: running /etc/init.d/tuxcald stop
Oct 23 16:29:38 HD51Schlaf service[5726]: running /etc/init.d/tuxmaild stop
Oct 23 16:29:38 HD51Schlaf[5731]: try to wake up "/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie" ...
[hdd] file [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie] -> dev [/dev/sda1]
[hdd] active
CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: isBookmark 0 timeshift 0 isMovieBrowser 1
[mb] loadMovies:
[mb] new Dir: /media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/NAS_Filme/Aufnahmen_Neutrino/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/CoolieWohn/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/CoolieDach/
[mb] Dir4, Files:478
[mb]->updateSerienames: 0
[CMovieBrowser] loadMovies: 926 ms to scan movies
[mb]->refreshFilterList 22
[mb]->refreshTitle : Meine Aufnahmen
[mb]->onSetGUIWindow: gui 1 -> 1
[CListFrame]->paint MovieBrowser
[mb]->onSetFocus: focus 0 -> 0
[mb]->refreshMovieInfo m_vMovieInfo.size 478
display 'Notruf Hafenkante'
key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
[mb] stop: 15 start:0
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-
display 'Aufnahmestart'
key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
[mb] selected bookmark 1 position 0
[mb] start pos: 0 s
[CListFrame]->hide MovieBrowser
CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: file start 0 apid 0 atype 0 vpid 0 vtype 0
CMoviePlayerGui::makeFilename: file_name [/mnt/autofs/CoolieDach/ZDF_HD_Notruf_Hafenkante20171023_102900.ts] pretty_name [ZDF HD Notruf Hafenkante20171023 102900.ts]
display 'Das Erste HD'
PlayFileStart: starting...
stopPlayBack: stopping...
stopPlayBack: stopped
Startplay at 0 seconds
CMoviePlayerGui::handleMovieBrowser: reset vars
cutNeutrino: playing 0 isUPNP 0
[zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2298] standby 1 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[ 16:29:48.240 ] cDvbSubtitleConverter::Pause: pause
[dvb-sub] paused
cutNeutrino: save mode 1
CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 7 rezap 0
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] Open: PlayMode 1
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - filename=/mnt/autofs/CoolieDach/ZDF_HD_Notruf_Hafenkante20171023_102900.ts
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - m_gst_playbin
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition NULL -> READY

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_pad_link_full: assertion 'GST_IS_PAD (sinkpad)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition READY -> PAUSED
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp] Gst_bus_call - audio sink created
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp] Gst_bus_call - video sink created

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
FindAllPids: 2 audio
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] SetPosition: pos 0 abs 1 playing 1
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] SetPosition: pos 0 abs 1 playing 1

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00000000:play ]
(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
FindAllPids: 2 audio
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
FindAllPids: 2 audio
display '/mnt/autofs/CoolieDach/ZDF_HD_Notruf_Hafenkante20171023_102900.'

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
display '> Notruf Hafenkante'

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000001a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 5281/2939819 (2934538, 0%)
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000001a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 8521/2939819 (2931298, 0%)
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000001a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 9481/2939819 (2930338, 0%)
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000001a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 10561/2939819 (2929258, 0%)
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000001a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 11401/2939819 (2928418, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000001a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 12481/2939819 (2927338, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 13441/2939819 (2926378, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 14521/2939819 (2925298, 0%)
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 14761/2939819 (2925058, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 15481/2939819 (2924338, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 16441/2939819 (2923378, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 17401/2939819 (2922418, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 18361/2939819 (2921458, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 19441/2939819 (2920378, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 20401/2939819 (2919418, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 21481/2939819 (2918338, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 22441/2939819 (2917378, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 23401/2939819 (2916418, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 24481/2939819 (2915338, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 25441/2939819 (2914378, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 26521/2939819 (2913298, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 27601/2939819 (2912218, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 28441/2939819 (2911378, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 29521/2939819 (2910298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 30361/2939819 (2909458, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 31441/2939819 (2908378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 32521/2939819 (2907298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 33361/2939819 (2906458, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 34441/2939819 (2905378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 35401/2939819 (2904418, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 36481/2939819 (2903338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 37441/2939819 (2902378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 38521/2939819 (2901298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 39481/2939819 (2900338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 40561/2939819 (2899258, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 41401/2939819 (2898418, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 42481/2939819 (2897338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 43441/2939819 (2896378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 44521/2939819 (2895298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 45481/2939819 (2894338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 46441/2939819 (2893378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 47401/2939819 (2892418, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 48481/2939819 (2891338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 49441/2939819 (2890378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 50521/2939819 (2889298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 51481/2939819 (2888338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 52441/2939819 (2887378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 53401/2939819 (2886418, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 54481/2939819 (2885338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 55441/2939819 (2884378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 56521/2939819 (2883298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 57481/2939819 (2882338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 58441/2939819 (2881378, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 59521/2939819 (2880298, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 60481/2939819 (2879338, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 61441/2939819 (2878378, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 62401/2939819 (2877418, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 63601/2939819 (2876218, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 64441/2939819 (2875378, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 65521/2939819 (2874298, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 66481/2939819 (2873338, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 67561/2939819 (2872258, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 68521/2939819 (2871298, 2%)
16:30:50.535 [sectionsd] Removed 2 old events (2194 left), zap detected 0.
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 69481/2939819 (2870338, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 70561/2939819 (2869258, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 71521/2939819 (2868298, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 72481/2939819 (2867338, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 73561/2939819 (2866258, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 74401/2939819 (2865418, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 75481/2939819 (2864338, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 76441/2939819 (2863378, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 77521/2939819 (2862298, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 78481/2939819 (2861338, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 79441/2939819 (2860378, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 80521/2939819 (2859298, 2%)
key: 0080 value 1, translate: 0080 -stop-
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 80761/2939819 (2859058, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFile: exit, isMovieBrowser 1 p_movie_info 0xdbd670
CMoviePlayerGui::handleMovieBrowser: stop, isMovieBrowser 1 p_movie_info 0xdbd670
[mi] saveMovieInfo: /mnt/autofs/CoolieDach/ZDF_HD_Notruf_Hafenkante20171023_102900.xml
PlayFileEnd: stopping, this 0x61b110 thread 0xed240
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 1
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> READY
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 0
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST bus handler closed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_mini_object_unref: assertion 'mini_object->refcount > 0' failed
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST playbin closed
restoreNeutrino: playing 1 isUPNP 0
[zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2209] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
[zapit] vpid 13ED apid 13F2 pcr 13ED
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 START src 0 mask 0 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0
[CBasicClient] connect failed.
/tmp/camd.socket: No such file or directory
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:392] CI: use CI for [Das Erste HD]
restoreNeutrino: restore mode 1
CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 1 rezap 1
[neutrino.cpp:tvMode:4208] rezap 1 current mode 7
display 'Notruf Hafenkante'
CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [tv]
[neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:1967] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
**************************** CChannelList::zapTo_ChannelID b45403fb0001283d
**************************** CChannelList::zapToChannel me 0x8e0eb8 Alle Kanäle tuned 485 new Das Erste HD -> b45403fb0001283d
16:31:02.873 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped
stopPlayBack: stopping...
stopPlayBack: stopped
CChannelList::adjustToChannelID me 0x8e0eb8 [Alle Kanäle] list size 2528 channel_id b45403fb0001283d
16:31:02.873 cnThread: stop eit update filter (active)
restoreNeutrino: restoring done.
PlayFileEnd: stopped
CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: isBookmark 0 timeshift 0 isMovieBrowser 1
16:31:02.874 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped done
[zapit.cpp:ZapIt:516] [zapit] zap to Das Erste HD (b45403fb0001283d tp 2ce500c003fb0001)
[zapit] saving channel, apid 13f2 sub pid 0 mode 0 volume 45
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2298] standby 0 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0
[mb]->refreshFilterList 22
[mb]->refreshTitle : Meine Aufnahmen
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[ 16:31:02.908 ] cDvbSubtitleConverter::Pause: pause
[dvb-sub] paused
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(0, 0) => 0 to 0
[mb]->onSetGUIWindow: gui 1 -> 1
[CListFrame]->paint MovieBrowser
[mb]->onSetFocus: focus 0 -> 0
[mb]->refreshMovieInfo m_vMovieInfo.size 478
CRemoteControl::handleMsg: EVT_TUNE_COMPLETE (b45403fb0001283d)
16:31:02.956 [sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service change to b45403fb0001283d demux #0
key: 0080 value 0, translate: 0080 -stop-
16:31:02.957 cnThread: stop eit update filter (not active)
[zapit] parsing pmt pid 0x13EC (Das Erste HD)
[subtitles] DVBSub: PID=0x13f1, lang=deu, cpageid=0001, apageid=0001
[zapit] channel found, audio pid 13f2, subtitle pid 0 mode 0 volume 45
[zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2209] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
[zapit] vpid 13ED apid 13F2 pcr 13ED
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 START src 0 mask 0 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0
[CBasicClient] connect failed.
/tmp/camd.socket: No such file or directory
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:392] CI: use CI for [Das Erste HD]
[pmt] set update filter, sid 0x283d pid 0x13ec version 5
16:31:03.401 addEvent: ch 03fb0001283d running 1 (next) got_CN 0
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
display 'Notruf Hafenkante'
16:31:04.155 addEvent: ch 03fb0001283d running 4 (curr) got_CN 2
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
16:31:05.876 cnThread: eit update filter, ch 0x03fb0001283d, current ver 0x00 got events 3 (not active)
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE
Hier das gleiche File lokal von der HDD:
[+] Spoiler

[HD51Schlaf] /var/root # key: 00a4 value 1, translate: 00cf -play-
key: 00a4 value 0, translate: 00cf -play-
[movieplayer] actionKey=tsmoviebrowser
[movieplayer] wakeup_hdd(/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie) for tsmoviebrowser
Oct 23 17:11:52 HD51Schlaf[6430]: try to wake up "/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie" ...
[hdd] file [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie] -> dev [/dev/sda1]
[hdd] active
[movieplayer.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/movieplayer.start.
Oct 23 17:11:52 HD51Schlaf service[6438]: running /etc/init.d/tuxcald stop
Oct 23 17:11:52 HD51Schlaf service[6443]: running /etc/init.d/tuxmaild stop
Oct 23 17:11:52 HD51Schlaf[6448]: try to wake up "/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie" ...
[hdd] file [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie] -> dev [/dev/sda1]
[hdd] active
CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: isBookmark 0 timeshift 0 isMovieBrowser 1
[mb] loadMovies:
[mb] new Dir: /media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/NAS_Filme/Aufnahmen_Neutrino/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/CoolieWohn/
[mb] new Dir: /mnt/autofs/CoolieDach/
[mb] Dir4, Files:479
[mb]->updateSerienames: 0
[CMovieBrowser] loadMovies: 985 ms to scan movies
[mb]->refreshFilterList 22
[mb]->refreshTitle : Meine Aufnahmen
[mb]->onSetGUIWindow: gui 1 -> 1
[CListFrame]->paint MovieBrowser
[mb]->onSetFocus: focus 0 -> 0
[mb]->refreshMovieInfo m_vMovieInfo.size 479
display 'Notruf Hafenkante'
key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
[mb] stop: 81 start:0
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-
display 'Aufnahmestart'
key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
[mb] selected bookmark 1 position 0
[mb] start pos: 0 s
[CListFrame]->hide MovieBrowser
CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: file start 0 apid 0 atype 0 vpid 0 vtype 0
CMoviePlayerGui::makeFilename: file_name [/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/ZDF_HD_Notruf_Hafenkante20171023_102900.ts] pretty_name [ZDF HD Notruf Hafenkante20171023 102900.ts]
display 'Das Erste HD'
PlayFileStart: starting...
stopPlayBack: stopping...
stopPlayBack: stopped
Startplay at 0 seconds
CMoviePlayerGui::handleMovieBrowser: reset vars
cutNeutrino: playing 0 isUPNP 0
[zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2298] standby 1 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[ 17:12:00.491 ] cDvbSubtitleConverter::Pause: pause
[dvb-sub] paused
cutNeutrino: save mode 1
CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 7 rezap 0
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] Open: PlayMode 1
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - filename=/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/ZDF_HD_Notruf_Hafenkante20171023_102900.ts
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - m_gst_playbin
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition NULL -> READY
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
FindAllPids: 0 audio
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] SetPosition: pos 0 abs 1 playing 1

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_pad_link_full: assertion 'GST_IS_PAD (sinkpad)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition READY -> PAUSED
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp] Gst_bus_call - audio sink created
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp] Gst_bus_call - video sink created
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] SetPosition: pos 0 abs 1 playing 1

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
FindAllPids: 2 audio
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
FindAllPids: 2 audio
display '/media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/ZDF_HD_Notruf_Hafenkante2017102'

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
display '> Notruf Hafenkante'
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000002a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 4921/2939819 (2934898, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000002a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 8641/2939819 (2931178, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000002a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 9601/2939819 (2930218, 0%)
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000002a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 10561/2939819 (2929258, 0%)
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000002a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 11521/2939819 (2928298, 0%)
loop:1200 msg->MP: 80000014, data: 0000002a
CMoviePlayerGui::UpdatePosition: spd 1 pos 12601/2939819 (2927218, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 13561/2939819 (2926258, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 14521/2939819 (2925298, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 15481/2939819 (2924338, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 16801/2939819 (2923018, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 17521/2939819 (2922298, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 18601/2939819 (2921218, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 19561/2939819 (2920258, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 20641/2939819 (2919178, 0%)

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 21601/2939819 (2918218, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 22681/2939819 (2917138, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 23641/2939819 (2916178, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 24721/2939819 (2915098, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 25561/2939819 (2914258, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 26761/2939819 (2913058, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 27601/2939819 (2912218, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 28561/2939819 (2911258, 0%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 29641/2939819 (2910178, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 30601/2939819 (2909218, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 31681/2939819 (2908138, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 32641/2939819 (2907178, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 33481/2939819 (2906338, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 34681/2939819 (2905138, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 35521/2939819 (2904298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 36601/2939819 (2903218, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 37681/2939819 (2902138, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 38521/2939819 (2901298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 39601/2939819 (2900218, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 40561/2939819 (2899258, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 41761/2939819 (2898058, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 42601/2939819 (2897218, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 43561/2939819 (2896258, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 44641/2939819 (2895178, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 45601/2939819 (2894218, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 46561/2939819 (2893258, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 47521/2939819 (2892298, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 48601/2939819 (2891218, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 49801/2939819 (2890018, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 50641/2939819 (2889178, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 51721/2939819 (2888098, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 52561/2939819 (2887258, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 53761/2939819 (2886058, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 54601/2939819 (2885218, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 55681/2939819 (2884138, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 56761/2939819 (2883058, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 57721/2939819 (2882098, 1%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 58801/2939819 (2881018, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 59641/2939819 (2880178, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 60721/2939819 (2879098, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 61561/2939819 (2878258, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 62641/2939819 (2877178, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 63601/2939819 (2876218, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 64561/2939819 (2875258, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 65641/2939819 (2874178, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 66601/2939819 (2873218, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 67681/2939819 (2872138, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 68641/2939819 (2871178, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 69721/2939819 (2870098, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 70561/2939819 (2869258, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 71641/2939819 (2868178, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 72601/2939819 (2867218, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 73681/2939819 (2866138, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 74641/2939819 (2865178, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 75601/2939819 (2864218, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 76801/2939819 (2863018, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 77641/2939819 (2862178, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 78721/2939819 (2861098, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 79681/2939819 (2860138, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 80641/2939819 (2859178, 2%)
key: 0080 value 1, translate: 0080 -stop-
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFileLoop: spd 1 pos 81481/2939819 (2858338, 2%)
CMoviePlayerGui::PlayFile: exit, isMovieBrowser 1 p_movie_info 0xd8d910
CMoviePlayerGui::handleMovieBrowser: stop, isMovieBrowser 1 p_movie_info 0xd8d910
[mi] saveMovieInfo: /media/ST2000LM015-2E81-1/movie/ZDF_HD_Notruf_Hafenkante20171023_102900.xml
PlayFileEnd: stopping, this 0x61b110 thread 0xed240
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 1
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PLAYING -> PAUSED
[LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> READY
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 0
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST bus handler closed

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_mini_object_unref: assertion 'mini_object->refcount > 0' failed
[LT:0061a1c8:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST playbin closed
restoreNeutrino: playing 1 isUPNP 0
[zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2209] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
[zapit] vpid 13ED apid 13F2 pcr 13ED
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 START src 0 mask 0 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0
[CBasicClient] connect failed.
/tmp/camd.socket: No such file or directory
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:392] CI: use CI for [Das Erste HD]
restoreNeutrino: restore mode 1
CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 1 rezap 1
[neutrino.cpp:tvMode:4208] rezap 1 current mode 7
display 'Notruf Hafenkante'
CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [tv]
[neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:1967] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
**************************** CChannelList::zapTo_ChannelID b45403fb0001283d
**************************** CChannelList::zapToChannel me 0x8e0eb8 Alle Kanäle tuned 485 new Das Erste HD -> b45403fb0001283d
17:13:15.769 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped
17:13:15.769 cnThread: stop eit update filter (active)
17:13:15.769 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped done
stopPlayBack: stopping...
stopPlayBack: stopped
CChannelList::adjustToChannelID me 0x8e0eb8 [Alle Kanäle] list size 2528 channel_id b45403fb0001283d
restoreNeutrino: restoring done.
PlayFileEnd: stopped
CMoviePlayerGui::SelectFile: isBookmark 0 timeshift 0 isMovieBrowser 1
[zapit.cpp:ZapIt:516] [zapit] zap to Das Erste HD (b45403fb0001283d tp 2ce500c003fb0001)
[zapit] saving channel, apid 13f2 sub pid 0 mode 0 volume 45
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2298] standby 0 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 STOP src 0 mask 1 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0
[mb]->refreshFilterList 22
[mb]->refreshTitle : Meine Aufnahmen
[mb]->onSetGUIWindow: gui 1 -> 1
[CListFrame]->paint MovieBrowser
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[ 17:13:15.819 ] cDvbSubtitleConverter::Pause: pause
[dvb-sub] paused
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(0, 0) => 0 to 0
[zapit] parsing pmt pid 0x13EC (Das Erste HD)
[mb]->onSetFocus: focus 0 -> 0
[mb]->refreshMovieInfo m_vMovieInfo.size 479
CRemoteControl::handleMsg: EVT_TUNE_COMPLETE (b45403fb0001283d)
17:13:15.862 [sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service change to b45403fb0001283d demux #0
17:13:15.863 cnThread: stop eit update filter (not active)
key: 0080 value 0, translate: 0080 -stop-
17:13:15.898 addEvent: ch 03fb0001283d running 4 (curr) got_CN 0
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
[subtitles] DVBSub: PID=0x13f1, lang=deu, cpageid=0001, apageid=0001
[zapit] channel found, audio pid 13f2, subtitle pid 0 mode 0 volume 45
[zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2209] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
[zapit] vpid 13ED apid 13F2 pcr 13ED
[LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 3
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[LT:00000000:demux ] GetSource(0) => 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:252] PLAY: fe_num 0 dmx_src 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:282] channel b45403fb0001283d [Das Erste HD] mode 0 START src 0 mask 0 -> 1 update 0 rmode 0
[CBasicClient] connect failed.
/tmp/camd.socket: No such file or directory
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:392] CI: use CI for [Das Erste HD]
[pmt] set update filter, sid 0x283d pid 0x13ec version 5
display 'Notruf Hafenkante'
17:13:16.391 addEvent: ch 03fb0001283d running 1 (next) got_CN 1
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
17:13:18.727 cnThread: eit update filter, ch 0x03fb0001283d, current ver 0x02 got events 3 (not active)
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE
Der oben genannte Failed sollte nun nicht mehr erscheinen.
Wiedergabe läuft, aber ich sehe sehr viele 'failed' :wink:
Die Box stürzt nicht ab und nach einer gewissen Zeit scheint sie sich zu fangen.
Aber normal sollte das auch nicht sein.
Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von gandharva »

Code: Alles auswählen

(neutrino:2583): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_tag_list_merge: assertion 'list1 == NULL || GST_IS_TAG_LIST (list1)' failed
Es geht bei diesen Ausgaben um das Auslesen der Metadaten. Das ist in libstb-hal schlicht noch nicht implementiert.
Nazi lives don't matter.
NI - Team
Beiträge: 1295
Registriert: Di 5. Apr 2016, 16:11
Wohnort: Rhein-Main-Gebiet
Box: TankMut@ntTrinityZee²LinkHD1BSE
Has thanked: 1 time
Been thanked: 23 times

Re: AX/MUTANT Beta - Bugliste/Funktionen/Tests

Beitrag von fred_feuerstein »

bualicher, hast du die Möglichkeit mal eine Problemdatei von Dir irgendwo hochzuladen? Ich würde das gerne bei mir mal testen. Ich habe mit keiner Aufnahme der Coolstream Boxen Probleme bei der HD51.

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