NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

- bump image version to 3.40
- HD2: kernel 3.10.105 (version-patched to 3.10.93 due to lack of "cst extra" driver sources)
- crosstool hd2: use gcc linaro 4.9-2017.01
- HD1: kernel (version-patched to due to lack of "cst" driver sources)
- HD1: use selfcompiled kernel modules to get latest upstream kernel fixes
- crosstool-hd1: enable CT_EGLIBC_OPT_SIZE
- several compiler optimizations to decrease image size for Nevis and Kronos images
- kernel: use our own bitbucket repo
- drivers: use our own bitbucket repo
- ffmpeg-hd2: build from MASTER (2c6179aa829e6f50eea6faf47b2b6efd7650a41d)
- ffmpeg: enable all possible protocols (HD1+HD2)
- xupnpd: increase cfg.http_timeout as suggested by Satbaby
- openvpn-setup: v0.11; check for daemon
- FIM: add multipart post
- FCM: fix function send2actor()
- host-tools: build mkfs.jffs2 and sumtool from MASTER
- pr-auto-timer: v0.40a; fix msgbox-call for larger resolutions
- update
- sg3_utils 1.42
- busybox-hd2: fix df showing wrong partition size
- mtd-utils: build from master
- webtv_auto: fix hdporntv stuff
- wget 1.19.1
- dosfstools 4.1
- busybox-hd1: add upstream patches
- procps-ng 3.3.12
- less 487
- coreutils 8.27
- openvpn 2.4.1
- libiconv 1.15
- lzo 2.10
- libgd2 2.2.4
- libcurl 7.54.0
- libupnp 1.6.21
- libtirpc 1.0.1
- rpcbind 0.2.3
- librtmp: build from original repo to get latest fixes
- nfs-utils 1.3.3
- libusb 1.0.21
- libpng 1.6.29
- libjpeg-turbo 1.5.1
- curl 7.53.1
- ntfs3g 2017.3.23
- e2fsprogs 1.43.4
- nano 2.8.0
- freetype 2.8

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand ( ... =ni/tuxbox)
- epgplus: reduce frame_thickness for footerbox
- moviebrowser: try to speed up reload movies
- eventlist: remove obsolete buttons from footer
- icons: add new icons for epg-button
- eventlist: add new button for epg-plus
- locale: small changes in several locales
- movieplayer: allow bisectional jumps with RC_page_up/down
- movieplayer: reduce timeout for bisectional jumps
- movieplayer: make bisection jump period configurable
- CVFD: do not show "save epg" in standby
- osd_setup: add channellogo-setup menu
- cc_frm_header.h: change default logo alignment; center => right
- moviebrowser: bind display of channelogo to users choice
- eventlist: bind display of channelogo to users choice
- epgview: bind display of channelogo to users choice
- osd_setup: move channellist_show_channellogo to new logo menu
- epgview: use default header font
- locale: clearify locales for external channellogo directory
- eventlist: fix calculation of theight; ...
- osd_setup: move unused fonts away from users choice
- timerlist: don't use rc_info with remotetimers; that doesn't work
- IMDB: add own API key and extend output
- imdb: pick "Year"; this element is used in moviebrowser
- imdb: change getIMDbElement() handling; function now returns a string
- localize: add getString() function for a smoother string handling
- imdb: localize output
- imdb: fix "imdbRating" default value
- imdb: add checkIMDbElement() function
- imdb: show only valid imdb-elements
- imdb: add plot locale
- imdb: add runtime locale; split release-date and runtime
- imdb: enable explicit search on
- imdb: cosmetics
- icons: add rating-stars to icons.h; version 2.0
- infoviewer: use frameBuffer->getIconPath() to find clock_face icon
- progressbar: use frameBuffer->getIconPath() to find graphics
- imdb poster: if possible load bigger image
- imdb: make search results more robust
- cc_frm_scrollbar: avoid transparent pixels in scrollbar's corners
- filebrowser: use "dirs first" sort method by default
- filebrowser: use a bit larger regular font by default
- locale: small changes in filebrowser's sort locales
- filebrowser: small design reworks
- icons: add filetype-icon for pictures
- filebrowser: use NEUTRINO_ICON_PICTURE to mark pictures
- audioplayer: use NEUTRINO_ICON_AUDIO in header
- icons: move mp3.png from /headers to /filetypes; align icon size
- icons: add filetype-icon for pictures
- file.cpp|h: port filetypes from TangoCash
- filebrowser: port fileicon handling from TangoCash
- icons.h: sort filetype icons
- file.cpp|h: port filetypes handling from martii
- epgplus: fix segfault (thx dbo)
- followscreenings: fix CFollowScreenings::FOLLOWSCREENINGS_ALWAYS
- neutrino: remove pointless easymenu console output
- epgview: fix green button behavior in imdb-view
- hdd_menu.cpp: remove "-T largefile" parameter

Zur Erklärung der bisektionalen Sprünge im Movieplayer:
Mit den Page-up/down-Tasten wird nun mit einer einstellbaren Sprungweite begonnen. Jeder weite Tastendruck auf Page-up/down spring wieder in die entsprechende Richtung, jedoch wird immer die Sprungweite halbiert. Damit ist es ziemlich gut möglich, Werbepausen zu überspringen.
Wer diese Funktion nicht mag, kann sie in den Tasteneinstellungen des Movieplayers deaktivieren. Dann werden wieder die fest eingestellten 10 Sekunden als Sprungweite benutzt.
Der Weg dorthin: Menu->Einstellungen->Tasten->Bearbeiten->Movieplayer->Bisektionale Sprünge "aus" (bzw auch in der ersten Sprungweite einstellbar).
Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

- aktuelle libcoolstream HD1/HD2
- ffmpeg: use our own repo (ffmpeg 2.8.12 + own patches)
- ffmpeg: fix skip/seeking in some MKV files
- ni-logos: symlink fixes

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand
- set threadnames to unique values
- remove graphic progressbar
- filebrowser: fix total_pages calculation for CComponentsScrollBar
- bouquetlist: fix calculation of footerwidth; wrong font was used
- icons: change filetypes/folder.png for a better visibility
- add prgressbar.gradient when migrating from CProgressBar::PB_GRAPHIC
- volumebar: use right RADIUS define
- align fontsize.filebrowser_item to new default
- infoviewer_bb: "fix" height of ca-bar
- fonts: add ubuntumono-r-webfont.ttf
Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

Wichtig! Alle neuen Images haben ab sofort ein Passwort für den User root: ni
Prüft ggf. euere Backup Settings!

- ffmpeg: Revert "libavformat/aviobuf: keep track of the original buffer-size and restore it after probe/ensure-seekback"
- ffmpeg: increase IO_BUFFER_SIZE to 128k - performance improvement when using SMB/CIFS
- libcoolstream: hd2/record.cpp: increase REC_BUFFER_SIZE and error tolerance
- librtmp: use our own repo
- ffmpeg: re-add accidentally removed dvbsub parser/decoder
- ffmpeg: add mjpeg parser
- enable support for SubStation Alpha subtitles
- libcoolstream: hd2/record.cpp: increase error tolerance of rec buffer to 90%
- libcoolstream: hd1/video.cpp: Fix get current video system
- tuxwetter: build against openssl (HTTPS)
- hd1: new kernel - add "ARM: 6329/1: wire up sys_accept4() on ARM" kernel patch
- hd1/hd2: update to new crosstool-ng version 1dbb06f2 (Big thanks micha_bbg!)
- hd1: crosstool - switch to gcc linaro-4.9-2017.01
- hd2: crosstool - switch to uclibc-ng 1.0.22
- vsftpd: add several patches
- vsftpd: change banner
- hd2: update kernel to 3.10.107
- switch to ni/ffmpeg/2.8-test branch to test less intrusive mkv seek fix from SatBaby
- new default password for user root: ni
- hd2: do only change /var/etc/passwd when no password is set
- gdb 7.12.1
- libcoolstream: link against cortex-strings
- LD_FLAGS: link all targets against cortex-strings
- use our own OpenThreads repo
- tuxwetter 4.03
- libcoolstream: audio/pcm: add console output to catch the too-quiet-bug in audioplayer
- libcoolstream: hd1/hd2 - workaround for short video clip
- libcoolstream: cAudio::StopClip() - add missing CS_API_STOP() call
- plugins: remove rssreader (please install from:
- plugins: remove lua-feedparser (please install from:
- shellexec 2.03
- msgbox 2.02
- input 2.03

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand ... i%2Ftuxbox

- Fix DVB subtitles
- Fix DVB subtitles for 1080p OSD resolution
- GUI: add lots of shadow elements
- vfd-setup: fix brightness setup for CST's boxmodel "Link"
- timermanager: don't set stoptime for timers without a stop-event
- moviebrowser: fix deletion of cursor_only movie via "menu" -> "yellow"
- rework and fix audioplayer
- audioplayer: allow logos for internet radio stations ...
Syntax in radio-stations.xml or radio-favorites.xml:

Code: Alles auswählen

        name="Name of the station"
Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

- ni-ffmpeg: switch to ni/ffmpeg/master branch
- libcoolstream: add support for new bsf api
- hd2: new kernel -> cifs: Fix inability to write files >2GB to SMB2/3 shares
- ni-ffmpeg: update ni/ffmpeg/master branch with upstream
- libcoolstream hd1: fix reverb at stop of some mp3 files (mainly 320kb/s). THX SatBaby!
- ni/ffmpeg/master: avformat/aviobuf: increase buffer size to 128k

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand ... i%2Ftuxbox
- audioplayer: fix right offsets for item
- fix epgtitle

Bitte die neue ffmpeg Version auf Herz und Nieren testen (Aufnahmen und Fremdformate abspielen / MTV Plugin / YouTube Plugin / Coolithek Plugin usw...).
Der Rest ist im Prinzip ein Bugfix Release.
Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

- openssl: bump version to 1.0.2l
- apollo/kronos (not Kronos v2): add midnight commander (4.8.19) to image
- apollo/kronos: add streamripper (1.64.6) to image
- streamripper: use own repo and add several useful patches
- hd1/hd2: autofs 5.1.3 -> CIFS mounts müssen aufgrund geänderter Syntax neu erstellt werden!

Code: Alles auswählen

movies	-fstype=cifs,user=USER,password=PASS,iocharset=utf8,vers=2.1,cache=loose		//

Code: Alles auswählen

movies	-fstype=cifs,user=USER,password=PASS,iocharset=utf8,vers=2.1,cache=loose		://
- libpng 1.6.31
- remove some non-essential stuff from kronos v2 images to reduce image size
- libcoolstream: Revert "- audio/pcm: add console output to catch the too-quiet-bug in audioplayer"
- build channellogos only for hd2
- some compilerflags to reduce image size
- hd1: strip selfbuilt kernel modules
- libcoolstream: fix if filter not found segfault
- hd2: samba 3.6.25
- hd2: samba: add security fixes (including samba-cry)
- hd1: samba 3.3.16
- libcoolstream: comma at end of enumerator list
- libcoolstream: init some var
- libcoolstream: fileparser: use int64_t instead of int64 and add iPts check
- hd1/hd2: busybox 1.27.1
- ni/ffmpeg/master: add ASF VC1 Annex-G and RCV bitstream filters
- crosstool-hd2: upgrade to uclibc-ng 1.0.24
- hd1/hd2: wget 1.19.1
- libcoolstream: fixes for broken pts
- logo-updater 0.20
- ffmpeg: remove some unneeded bitstream filters
- dropbear 2017.75

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand ... i%2Ftuxbox
- menu: fix icon for CGenericMenuNext forwarder
- lcd4l: add info1 and info2; ...
in tv/radio/movieplayer-mode this files holds the epg-informations,
in audioplayer-mode info1 contains album, info2 contains genre
- netfs_setup: align smb-mounts to new automount-syntax
- netfs_setup: write correct filenames into fstab and
- upnpbrowser: fix mode_ts for videos; was switched back to mode_upnp by stopAudio()
- themes: add new shadow-color to our material themes
- hw_caps: remove CFEManager-code
- audioplayer: add streamripper control to record current stream
- clearify headers for audioplayer/internetradio setup
- audioplayer: update gui if streamripper has stopped or crashed
Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

- hd1/hd2: busybox 1.27.2
- hd1/hd2 workaround for possible shutdown bug
- skel-root: add missing newline to some init-scripts
- libcurl 7.55.1
- libjpeg-turbo 1.5.2
- nano 2.8.6
- e2fsprogs 1.43.5
- remove old iconsets for infoviewer
- ffmpeg hd2: disable ffprobe
- restore missing /var/root directory

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand ... i%2Ftuxbox
- remove possibility to change iconsets for infoviewer (Material ftw!)
Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

- remove usbutils from image
- busybox: enable lsusb
- skel-root/hd1: align mdev-handling to hd2 (this should fix lcd4linux problems)
- hd2: drop old 3ddrivers cruft and remove /opt from skel-root
- libcoolstream: fix bsf check (this should fix avi/mpeg playback)
- add some more aliases to etc/init.d/globals
- mdev-scripts: use LOG* aliases from /etc/init.d/globals
- rpcbind: disable udp6/tcp6 socket errors on hd1
- add iconv to image (stripped version)

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand ... i%2Ftuxbox
- capmt: reduce console-spam, remove additional linefeeds from INFO-lines
- Revert "CTimerList: adjust label width in footer dependent by count of buttons"
Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

- hd1: move node-creation directly to rcS
- lcd4linux: less annoying background for analog clock
- libcoolstream: fix deprecated warning for SUBTITLES codec
- libcoolstream: reduce LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT check
- lcd4linux: allow up to 265 chars in file::readline function
- lcd4linux: allow up to 512 chars in the lines of config-file
- ni/ffmpeg/master: fix hls eof
- libcoolstream: YouTube testfix from SatBaby

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand ... i%2Ftuxbox
- settings_manager_teams: small reworks; unify locales
- acinclude.m4: add missing variables substitutions
- plugin-code: cleanup from many unused code
- get sure we have the logo-dir, even if it's empty
- rc_lock: use OFFSET defines
- don't save conf-files to flash; use /media by default
- locale: small changes; unify save/load locales
- keybind_setup: resort items as in other menus too; 'save' before 'load'
- menu: always add an offset to menus; not only in round-border-mode
- fix name/path of mdev mount script in neutrino
- nhttpd: remove unused string Dbox_Hersteller
- nhttpd: de-capitalize hooknames for controlapi and neutrinoyparser
- nhttpd: fix typo in LOG_FILE define
- nhttpd: move defines for SSL-certs after HTTPD_CONFIGDIR define
- nhttpd: use PORT-defines from yconfig.h instead of "hardcoded" ports
- remove unused system/ansi.h
- yWeb: align cifs-mounts to new automount-syntax
- nhttpd: fix indentations
- nhttpd: small re-sorts; TODO: fix $Revision$ replacements
- nhttpd: sort entrys in
- nhttpd: remove unused mod_testhook
- nhttpd: just code-reformats; fix indentation
- nhttpd: resort defines
- nhttpd: remove obsolete CONFIG_SYSTEM_TUXBOX_COOLSTREAM switch
- nhttpd: remove obsolete function to show commandline help
- nhttpd: remove non-working and outdated Y_CONFIG_BUILD_AS_DAEMON switch
- nhttpd: align mod_sendfile.mime_types to HTTPD_SENDFILE_EXT
- nhttpd: fix typo in AUTH_NAME_MSG
- nhttpd: change default language to 'Deutsch'
- nhttpd: change default password 'coolstream' => 'ni'
- nhttpd: enable mod_sendfile.sendAll by default
- update-check: move init of object CFlashUpdate out of while-loop
- icons: fix color of new icon info4_off.png
- add possibility to signalize available online-updates in infoicons
- y-web: remove white background from favico
- y-web: show hostname as page-title
- add some missing icons
- icons: don't install unused flag-icons
- webtv: update filmon.xml
- add webtv-scripts/sources to neutrino-repo; will be auto-loaded at start
Nazi lives don't matter.
Beiträge: 387
Registriert: Mo 4. Apr 2016, 23:49
Box: Tank
Been thanked: 1 time

Re: NI-Image 3.4 (Changelog) - Rolling Release

Beitrag von gandharva »

:N:eue :I:mages für alle Boxen online.

- hd1: add streamripper
- lcd4linux.conf: use our current orange
- skel-root: remove obsolete variables from date-fix-script
- remove 'integration=10' from plugin-configs; there's no NI-menu anymore
- lcd4linux: align the ultra-high-definition NI-logo in d-box2 style background
- lcd4linux: small color changes in default config
- libpng 1.6.32
- rework and simplify compiler flags and usage
- nano 2.8.7
- ffmpeg: switch to ni/ffmpeg/2.8. Reduces image size and simply has less bugs.
- glib 2.54.0
- busybox: drop LINUXRC support
- samba: disable sys-quotas
- FIM: rework versions query with Firmware > 06.9
- parted: add [PATCH] include sysmacros.h for major/minor/makedev
- plugins: switch to new own plugin-repo
- drop cst-bootloader target
- ffmpeg: enable-demuxer=mjpeg
- aktuelle libcoolstream

* aktueller :NI:-Neutrino git-Stand ... i%2Ftuxbox
- drop NI-menu
- drop easymenu
- rc_lock: use OFFSET defines
- get sure we have the logo-dir, even if it's empty
- plugin-code: cleanup from many unused code
- colorchooser: rework this gui-element
- menu: rework slider
- icons: new slider icons with material colors
- rename SLIDER defines
- icons: rename slider icons to more logical names
- keychooser: strip unneeded code; use hintbox instead of handcrafted paints
- menue: always show frame around the hintbox
- menue: don't move menu in centered mode to the right
- bouqueteditor: massive rework (!)
- menue: add possibility to add localized values in CMenuOptionNumberChooser seperately
- osd-setup: use 0 as a localized value for timeout-settings
- menue: user smaller vertical offset for hintboxes to keep it in sync with other vertical offsets
- menue: fix coordinates for savescreen function
- network-setup: fix text-alignment for network-test
- network-setup: add header-icon to network-test
- fix some timout-off-bugs in epgplus, epgview, eventlist and filebrowser
- fix some timout-off-bugs in bouquetlist and channellist
- bouqueteditor_channels: allow to navigate with left/right through the bouquets
- menue: only add hint_height to full_height, if we really have a hint
- several memleak fixes
- hdd-info: rework CHDDInfoWidget::paint(); use current gui-standards
- rcinput: simplify calcTimeoutEnd() calls; 0 is "off" by default now
- channelist: fix lcd4l-handling
- remove some obsolete icons definitions
- yWeb: enable grab to do screenshots
- cc-footer: remove our calcation of label-width; should now work automatically
- yWeb: signalize standby-mode in status-button's color
- yWeb: enable auto-reload of screenshots

Das NI-Menü wurde entfernt und in die bestehenden Menüs integriert. Die ursprunglichen Menüpunkte finden sich an folgenden neuen Stellen:
* Infoicons: Einstellungen -> Erweiterte Einstellungen
* LCD4Linux-Unterstützung: Einstellungen -> Erweiterte Einstellungen
* Plugins verwalten: Einstellungen -> Erweiterte Einstellungen
* Daemon-Steuerung: Service
* fstab/ Einstellungen -> Netzwerk -> Netzwerkfreigaben bearbeiten
Nazi lives don't matter.

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