MyTVPro by Celeburdi 2.0 Beta (Windows)
MyTVPro by Celeburdi 2.0 Beta (Windows)
- play webtv/coolstream/dreambox streams
- webtv xml playlists format (play coolstream localtv xml)
- multiple playlist (playlists/*.xml)
- multiple favorites (playlists/*.fav
- multiple players: portable LibVLC (default player),Flash,Smooth (silverlight is required),PeerStream,LiveStream,etc
- embedded access scripts (Filmon,YTLive,MindigTV,MTVA,HDPorn)
-copy files to a directory with directory structure
- run MyTvPro.exe
- select Playlist (ex: [ORF] and click channel logo) (most Hungarian stream geo protected)!C5cWnahA!YWiUanFbZVH5 ... NfL_SXC6FU