Giveaway of the day — MouseAxisLocker 1.0.1
MouseAxisLocker ist ein kleines Windows-Software-Dienstprogramm, das die Mausachse einfach sperrt und die Bewegung des Cursors in einem horizontalen, vertikalen oder diagonalen 45-Grad-Modus beschränkt, solange Hotkeys gedrückt werden. Das Programm empfängt eure Hotkey-Aktion in der globalen Windows-Umgebung, sogar in Programmen von Drittanbietern.
Benutzer können MouseAxisLocker in Zeichen-/Design-Softwareprogrammen oder PC-Spielen verwenden, bei denen sie den Cursor zwingen müssen, sich horizontal oder vertikal zu bewegen.
Die Verwendung von MouseAxisLocker ist ganz einfach: Drückt den Hotkey, um die Bewegungsachse des Mauszeigers zu sperren, und drückt den Hotkey erneut, um die Sperre aufzuheben. Ihr könnt MouseAxisLocker auch so einstellen, dass es beim Windows-Start ausgeführt wird und automatisch in der Taskleiste ausgeblendet wird.
Game Giveaway of the day — Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition
Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!
Once there was a wicked witch. And then one day she decided to get married, and not to someone, but to a handsome prince.
The only problem - all the princes were engaged. All of them were picked up by beautiful princesses. Back then a cunning plan germinated in her dark soul - to destroy a family happiness of all beauties, and to turn the princes into frogs unless and until some of them come to senses and want to become betrothed of the evil witch.
She lulled to eternal sleep one of the princesses along with her servants. That’s how the legend about Sleeping Beauty appeared.
The young Snow White was poisoned by enchanted apple, and beauty’s body rests in the deep caves in the custody of seven gnomes.
Witch cut beautiful long hair of Princess Rapunzel and imprisoned her in an inaccessible cave among waterfalls. And a lovely Miss World was imprisoned in Witch’s basement. Just in order to teach others not to do so.
You will have to set free the frog-princes from Witch’s captivity, to help them to get on to the beautiful brides to remove the witchcraft by kiss of love.
But will you be able to discover all the secrets of Witch and restore the happy endings in fairy tales?
MouseAxisLocker 1.0.1 & Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition
MouseAxisLocker 1.0.1 & Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition
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