Flackern ist nur eine Umschreibung. Die Bildausgabe hört kurz auf, der TV wird schwarz, dann kommt das Bild wieder. Das passiert kurz hintereinander 3-4x und dann hängt die Box komplett (keine Reaktion mehr im Display und auch kein Ping mehr) und mein TV schaltet auf den internen Bildschirmschoner um.
Für mich sieht das stark nach einem Hitzeproblem aus.
Das ist nun wieder aufgetreten, OpenATV hat sich nach dem booten und Wechsel der Bootpartition direkt danach auch aufgehängt. Nachdem ich die Box nun geöffnet habe und sie ohne Deckel habe laufen lassen, lief sie bis jetzt wieder stabil. Kann eigentlich nur eine Überhitzung sein. Ich habe bei Amazon eine Rückerstattung angefordert und bestelle ne neue.
Beim Einbau meiner SSD wurde zwar das Garantie Siegel zerstört, aber ich denke das sollte über Amazon kein Problem sein.
Anbei noch ein setconsole Log, der sagt aber nicht viel aus. Die Box war einfach weg:
Code: Alles auswählen
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2021.03.28 14:21:05 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
/var/root # [6nsetconsole
/var/root # [6nkey: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
CNeutrinoApp::showChannelList: bouquetList 0x672be0 size 3 old_b 0
CChannelList::paint() after paint head: 7 msec
CChannelList::paint() after paint body: 71 msec
ShowText 'ARD HD - Liebe auf den dritten Blick'
CChannelList::paint() paint total: 71 msec
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-
key: 006a value 1, translate: 006a -cursor right-
CChannelList::paint() after paint head: 8 msec
CChannelList::paint() after paint body: 63 msec
ShowText 'Pro7 - Galileo Big Pictures - Wild Life! 50 tierische Stories'
CChannelList::paint() paint total: 63 msec
key: 006a value 0, translate: 006a -cursor right-
key: 006c value 1, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'VOX - Kindskopfe 2'
key: 006c value 2, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'RTL - Deutschland sucht den Superstar'
key: 006c value 2, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'RTL2 - Die Schnappchenhauser - Der Traum vom Eigenheim'
key: 006c value 2, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'RTL+ - Das Strafgericht'
key: 006c value 2, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'SAT1 - Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens'
key: 006c value 2, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'Kabel1 - Die Super-Heimwerker'
key: 006c value 0, translate: 006c -cursor down-
key: 006c value 1, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'K1-Doku - Einfach uberirdisch - mit William Shatner'
key: 006c value 2, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'N24-Doku - Lost Places - Unter Hochspannung'
key: 006c value 2, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText '7MAXX - FIFA 21: Finals der Virtual Bundesliga CC by bevestor'
key: 006c value 0, translate: 006c -cursor down-
key: 006c value 1, translate: 006c -cursor down-
ShowText 'DMAX - Die Schatzsucher - Goldrausch in Sudamerika'
key: 006c value 0, translate: 006c -cursor down-
key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
**************************** CChannelList::zapToChannel me 0x825f78 Alle Kanäle tuned 65 new DMAX -> 5559c004f1010402
StopAutoRecord: autoshift 0
2021-03-28 14:21:23.575 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped
stopPlayBack: stopping...
stopPlayBack: stopped
CChannelList::adjustToChannelID me 0x825f78 [Alle Kanäle] list size 1042 channel_id 5559c004f1010402
CNeutrinoApp::showChannelList: nNewChannel -2
ShowText ' 1'
2021-03-28 14:21:23.576 [sectionsd] cnThread: stop eit update filter (active)
2021-03-28 14:21:23.576 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped done
[zapit.cpp:ZapIt:518] [zapit] zap to DMAX (5559c004f1010402 tp 11940f09c004f101)
[zapit] saving channel, apid 13f2 sub pid 0 mode 0 volume 95
[zapit] GetConfig...
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:751] pip demux: 1
[zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2356] standby 0 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:256] PLAY: fe_num 1 dmx_src 1
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:294] channel 401903fb0001283d [ARD HD] mode 0 STOP src 1 mask 2 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:369] [33m (newmask == 0)[0m
[ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
TP: 401903FB0001
SID: 283D
Scrambled: 0
Mode: 0
Enabled: STOP
[ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
CI: CAM not found
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[dvb-sub] paused
[fe0/1] tune to 450000 DVB-C (Annex A) QAM_256 0 H/L srate 6900000 pli 0 plc 0 plm 0 (tuner 450000000 offset 0 timeout 4000)
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-
[frontend.cpp:getEvent:804] [fe0/1] ******** FE_HAS_LOCK: freq 450000000
[fe0/1] tuning took: 182 msec (min 182 max 193)
CRemoteControl::handleMsg: EVT_TUNE_COMPLETE (5559c004f1010402)
2021-03-28 14:21:23.800 [sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service change to 5559c004f1010402 demux #0
2021-03-28 14:21:23.800 [sectionsd] cnThread: stop eit update filter (not active)
[zapit] parsing pmt pid 0x6C (DMAX)
[subtitle] TTXSub: PID=0x002c, lang=deu, page=150
[zapit] channel found, audio pid d00, subtitle pid 0 mode 0 volume 95
[zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2272] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
[zapit] vpid CFF apid D00 pcr CFF
[HAL:006301a0:audio ] SetStreamType 1 (0x1)
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:256] PLAY: fe_num 1 dmx_src 1
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:294] channel 5559c004f1010402 [DMAX] mode 0 START src 1 mask 0 -> 2 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:321] [33m socket only[0m
[CBasicClient] connect failed.
/tmp/camd.socket: No such file or directory
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:467] [33m (oldmask != newmask) || force_update)[0m
[ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
TP: 5559C004F101
SID: 0402
Scrambled: 0
Mode: 0
Enabled: START
[ca_ci] -> FindFreeSlot
No free ci-slot
CaMap Empty
[pmt] set update filter, sid 0x402 pid 0x6c version 2
TuxTxt stopped service 13f0
TuxTXT pid: 2C
TuxTxt: source demux 0
TuxTxt service started 2c
TuxTxt running thread...(002c) nice error
2021-03-28 14:21:24.711 [sectionsd] addEvent: ch c004f1010402 running 1 (next) got_CN 0
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
ShowText ' 34'
2021-03-28 14:21:25.686 [sectionsd] addEvent: ch c004f1010402 running 4 (curr) got_CN 2
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
2021-03-28 14:21:25.687 [sectionsd] cnThread: eit update filter, ch 0xc004f1010402, current ver 0x18 got events 3 (not active)
key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-
key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
CNeutrinoApp::showChannelList: bouquetList 0x672be0 size 3 old_b 1
CChannelList::paint() after paint head: 6 msec
CChannelList::paint() after paint body: 43 msec
ShowText 'DMAX - Die Schatzsucher - Goldrausch in Sudamerika'
CChannelList::paint() paint total: 43 msec
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-
[sdt monitor] wakeup...
[SDT] section 0 last 0 tsid 0xc004 onid 0xf101 -> use
key: 0067 value 1, translate: 0067 -cursor up-
ShowText '7MAXX - FIFA 21: Finals der Virtual Bundesliga CC by bevestor'
key: 0067 value 0, translate: 0067 -cursor up-
28 Mar 14:21:30 ntpdate[1827]: adjust time server offset +0.001367 sec
2021-03-28 14:21:30.541 [sectionsd] timeThread: Time set via NTP, going to sleep for 1800 seconds.
key: 0067 value 1, translate: 0067 -cursor up-
ShowText 'N24-Doku - Lost Places - Unter Hochspannung'
key: 0067 value 0, translate: 0067 -cursor up-
key: 0160 value 1, translate: 0160 -ok-
**************************** CChannelList::zapToChannel me 0x825f78 Alle Kanäle tuned 202 new N24-Doku -> 52d9c002f1010208
StopAutoRecord: autoshift 0
2021-03-28 14:21:31.242 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped
stopPlayBack: stopping...
stopPlayBack: stopped
CChannelList::adjustToChannelID me 0x825f78 [Alle Kanäle] list size 1042 channel_id 52d9c002f1010208
CNeutrinoApp::showChannelList: nNewChannel 8
ShowText ' 34'
[zapit.cpp:ZapIt:518] [zapit] zap to N24-Doku (52d9c002f1010208 tp 10f40f09c002f101)
[zapit] saving channel, apid d00 sub pid 0 mode 0 volume 95
[zapit] GetConfig...
[femanager.cpp:allocateFE:751] pip demux: 1
[zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2356] standby 0 playing 1 forced 0 send_pmt 1
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:256] PLAY: fe_num 1 dmx_src 1
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:294] channel 5559c004f1010402 [DMAX] mode 0 STOP src 1 mask 2 -> 0 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:369] [33m (newmask == 0)[0m
[ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
TP: 5559C004F101
SID: 0402
Scrambled: 0
Mode: 0
Enabled: STOP
[ca_ci] -> GetNumberCISlots
CI: CAM not found
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[dvb-sub] paused
[fe0/1] tune to 434000 DVB-C (Annex A) QAM_256 0 H/L srate 6900000 pli 0 plc 0 plm 0 (tuner 434000000 offset 0 timeout 4000)
2021-03-28 14:21:31.356 [sectionsd] cnThread: stop eit update filter (active)
2021-03-28 14:21:31.356 [sectionsd] commandserviceStopped done
key: 0160 value 0, translate: 0160 -ok-
[frontend.cpp:getEvent:804] [fe0/1] ******** FE_HAS_LOCK: freq 434000000
[fe0/1] tuning took: 182 msec (min 182 max 193)
CRemoteControl::handleMsg: EVT_TUNE_COMPLETE (52d9c002f1010208)
2021-03-28 14:21:31.457 [sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service change to 52d9c002f1010208 demux #0
2021-03-28 14:21:31.457 [sectionsd] cnThread: stop eit update filter (not active)
[zapit] parsing pmt pid 0x61 (N24-Doku)
[zapit] channel found, audio pid 200, subtitle pid 0 mode 0 volume 95
[zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2272] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
[zapit] vpid 1FF apid 200 pcr 1FF
[HAL:006301a0:audio ] SetStreamType 1 (0x1)
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:256] PLAY: fe_num 1 dmx_src 1
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:294] channel 52d9c002f1010208 [N24-Doku] mode 0 START src 1 mask 0 -> 2 update 0 rmode 0 mp 0
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:321] [33m socket only[0m
[CBasicClient] connect failed.
/tmp/camd.socket: No such file or directory
[capmt.cpp:SetMode:467] [33m (oldmask != newmask) || force_update)[0m
[ca_ci] -> SendCAPMT
TP: 52D9C002F101
SID: 0208
Scrambled: 0
Mode: 0
Enabled: START
[ca_ci] -> FindFreeSlot
No free ci-slot
CaMap Empty
[pmt] set update filter, sid 0x208 pid 0x61 version 2
TuxTxt stopped service 2c
TuxTXT pid: 22
TuxTxt: source demux 0
TuxTxt service started 22
TuxTxt running thread...(0022) nice error
ShowText ' 32'
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
2021-03-28 14:21:33.212 [sectionsd] cnThread: eit update filter, ch 0xc002f1010208, current ver 0x0d got events 0 (not active)
ShowText '14:21'
28 Mar 14:21:38 ntpdate[1831]: adjust time server offset -0.000150 sec
2021-03-28 14:21:38.262 [sectionsd] timeThread: Time set via NTP, going to sleep for 1800 seconds.
ShowText '14:21'
[neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_EIT_COMPLETE
"Morbo cannot read his teleprompter. He forgot how you say that letter that looks like a man wearing a hat."