[Info] POSIX Signale

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[Info] POSIX Signale

Beitrag von gandharva »

Es wird oft mal gefragt was "Neutrino 139" im Display nach einem Crash zu bedeuten hat. Die Zahl setzt sich folgendermassen zusammen: 128 + <POSIX Signal>
Wobei <POSIX Signal> die Signalnummer ist die Neutrino gecrashed hat.

Hier eine Liste der üblichen Verdächtigen:

Neutrino 132 = 128 + 4 = SIGILL = Illegal Instruction
Neutrino 134 = 128 + 6 = SIGABRT = Abort signal (manuell oder durch libc)
Neutrino 139 = 128 + 11 = SIGSEGV = Segfault (Invalid memory reference)


Hier die komplette Liste aller POSIX Signale:

Code: Alles auswählen

       Signal	     Value     Action  Comment
       SIGHUP	       1       Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal
				       or death of controlling process
       SIGINT	       2       Term    Interrupt from keyboard
       SIGQUIT	       3       Core    Quit from keyboard
       SIGILL	       4       Core    Illegal Instruction
       SIGABRT	       6       Core    Abort signal from abort(3)
       SIGFPE	       8       Core    Floating point exception
       SIGKILL	       9       Term    Kill signal
       SIGSEGV	      11       Core    Invalid memory reference
       SIGPIPE	      13       Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers
       SIGALRM	      14       Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)
       SIGTERM	      15       Term    Termination signal
       SIGUSR1	   30,10,16    Term    User-defined signal 1
       SIGUSR2	   31,12,17    Term    User-defined signal 2
       SIGCHLD	   20,17,18    Ign     Child stopped or terminated
       SIGCONT	   19,18,25    Cont    Continue if stopped
       SIGSTOP	   17,19,23    Stop    Stop process
       SIGTSTP	   18,20,24    Stop    Stop typed at tty
       SIGTTIN	   21,21,26    Stop    tty input for background process
       SIGTTOU	   22,22,27    Stop    tty output for background process
       SIGBUS	   10,7,10     Core    Bus error (bad memory access)
       SIGPOLL		       Term    Pollable event (Sys V). Synonym of SIGIO
       SIGPROF	   27,27,29    Term    Profiling timer expired
       SIGSYS	   12,-,12     Core    Bad argument to routine (SVr4)
       SIGTRAP	      5	       Core    Trace/breakpoint trap
       SIGURG	   16,23,21    Ign     Urgent condition on socket (4.2BSD)
       SIGVTALRM   26,26,28    Term    Virtual alarm clock (4.2BSD)
       SIGXCPU	   24,24,30    Core    CPU time limit exceeded (4.2BSD)
       SIGXFSZ	   25,25,31    Core    File size limit exceeded (4.2BSD)
Quelle: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?signal+7
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