Ich habe Heute für 4k Zero versucht build zu starten, aber komme ich nicht wirklich weit.
Code: Alles auswählen
1.in >docs/ct-ng.1-t && mv -f docs/ct-ng.1-t docs/ct-ng.1
CONF oldconfig
Configuration file was generated by an older version of crosstool-NG;
configuration file has no version; crosstool-NG currently expects
version 3. If this configuration file was generated by a crosstool-NG
version 1.23.0 or later, you can run 'ct-ng upgradeconfig'.
Compatibility with previous releases is not guaranteed. In any case,
verify the resulting configuration.
* Restart config...
* Paths and misc options
* crosstool-NG behavior
Use obsolete features (OBSOLETE) [Y/n/?] y
Try features marked as EXPERIMENTAL (EXPERIMENTAL) [Y/n/?] y
Allow building as root user (READ HELP!) (ALLOW_BUILD_AS_ROOT) [N/y/?] n
Debug crosstool-NG (DEBUG_CT) [N/y/?] n
* Paths
Save new tarballs (SAVE_TARBALLS) [Y/n/?] y
Prefer buildroot-style layout of the downloads (TARBALLS_BUILDROOT_LAYOUT) [N/y/?] (NEW)