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Weiß jemand was das Problem ist?
Code: Alles auswählen
[NI-FLASH-00057D] /var/root # [6nJan 10 09:15:28 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[9790]: add 2-1 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Digital Photo Frame
Jan 10 09:15:28 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[9790]: type 8/6/80
Jan 10 09:15:29 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[9790]: 2-1 Mass Storage Interface
Jan 10 09:15:29 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info service[9814]: running /etc/init.d/extdisplay add 2-1:1.0 4e8 2035
Jan 10 09:15:29 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-mount[9821]: [add] mounting /dev/sdb1 to /media/sdb1
CRCInput::getMsg_us: INITID_NEUTRINO: msg a000001a size 59 data 0x7cd4a8
EVT_HOTPLUG: [ACTION=add MDEV=sdb1 DEVPATH=/block/sdb/sdb1 DEVNAME=sdb1 ]
CHDDMenuHandler::handleMsg: MDEV=sdb1
CHDDMenuHandler::is_mounted: dev [/dev/sdb1] is mounted
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [init - 151] icon name = information
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initCaption - 647] init header text: [ x 10 w 1260 ]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [6] [cc_text_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsText] [setText - 231] ct_text:
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 271] init header icon: information
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initCaption - 647] init header text: [ x 10 w 1260 ]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [6] [cc_text_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsText] [setText - 231] ct_text:
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [14] [cc_header][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [14] [cc_header] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [15] [cc_footer][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [15] [cc_footer] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [11] [cc_base_form][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [11] [cc_base_form] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [~CComponentsHeader] [~CComponentsHeader - 189] delete...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 2 address = 0x6f1550 [33m type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 2 address = 0x7b26e8 [33m type = [5] [cc_scalable_channellogo_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] removeCCItem removing cc_Item [id=1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [7] [cc_info_box][0m to form [cc_base_form -> current index=3]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [7] [cc_info_box] to form [current index=3]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 3, assigned index ======> 31
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 427 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 0 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 154 != y_old 0... [cc_yr = 0 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 17 [wg.hintbox]...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box] to form [current index=2]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsText] [setText - 231] ct_text: Information
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 1... [cc_xr = 427 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 0 != y_old 1... [cc_yr = 154 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 14 [cc_header]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 438, y = 206, dx = 377, dy = 0 item: cc_header [type: 14]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826, y = 165, dx = 0, dy = 30 item: cc_header [type: 14]
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 689], paint default box)...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box] to form [current index=2]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 44 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 471 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 0 != y_old 10... [cc_yr = 154 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 6 [cc_text_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 482, y = 206, dx = 239, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 732, y = 165, dx = 0, dy = 30 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 10 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 437 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y -2 != y_old -2... [cc_yr = 168 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 2 [cc_image_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 448, y = 192, dx = 2, dy = 0 item: cc_image_box [type: 2]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 461, y = 179, dx = 0, dy = 2 item: cc_image_box [type: 2]
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: information] [need init: 0]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 427 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 52 != y_old 0... [cc_yr = 206 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 11 [cc_base_form]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 438, y = 294, dx = 377, dy = 0 item: cc_base_form [type: 11]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826, y = 217, dx = 0, dy = 66 item: cc_base_form [type: 11]
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 689], paint default box)...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box] to form [current index=2]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 427 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y -2 != y_old -2... [cc_yr = 206 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 7 [cc_info_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 427, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 427, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 427, y = 294, dx = 399, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 88 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CComponentsText] [setText - 231] ct_text: sdb1: Datenträger bereit
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 437 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 0 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 206 != y_old 10... [cc_yr = 0 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 6 [cc_text_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 437, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 437, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 437, y = 294, dx = 379, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 88 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[9819]: supported device (ID 04E8:2035) found
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[9819]: creating flagfile '/tmp/.lcd-4e8'
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[9819]: DPF or SPF in storage mode found
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[9819]: (re)starting lcd4linux
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info service[9989]: running /etc/init.d/lcd4linux restart
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 2 address = 0x7adeb0 [33m type = [14] [cc_header][0m
[neutrino] [~CComponentsHeader] [~CComponentsHeader - 189] delete...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x7d7270 [33m type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x6ee330 [33m type = [5] [cc_scalable_channellogo_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x75b258 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x789ca0 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x789e98 [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x78a098 [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x78a250 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 2 address = 0x7da5a8 [33m type = [11] [cc_base_form][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x7b26f0 [33m type = [7] [cc_info_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x847348 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x847558 [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x78a478 [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x847758 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x6f1548 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x7e28a8 [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x6fc920 [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x7e3450 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [clearScreenBuffer - 406], cleanup pixbuf...[0m
CHDDMenuHandler::setRecordPath: recordingdir already set to /media/sdb1/movies
Jan 10 09:15:39 NI-FLASH-00057D user.err LCD4Linux[10023]: removing stale PID file /var/run/lcd4linux.pid
Jan 10 09:15:43 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-mount[10046]: [remove] unmounting /media/sdb1
Jan 10 09:15:43 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10048]: remove 2-1 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Digital Photo Frame
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10048]: type 8/6/80
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10048]: 2-1 Mass Storage Interface
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10060]: add 2-1 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Digital Photo Frame
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10060]: type 255/0/0
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10060]: 2-1 Vendor Specific
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info service[10098]: running /etc/init.d/extdisplay remove 2-1:1.0 4e8 2036
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info service[10106]: running /etc/init.d/extdisplay add 2-1:1.0 4e8 2036
CRCInput::getMsg_us: INITID_NEUTRINO: msg a000001a size 62 data 0x4a1000
EVT_HOTPLUG: [ACTION=remove MDEV=sdb1 DEVPATH=/block/sdb/sdb1 DEVNAME=sdb1 ]
CHDDMenuHandler::handleMsg: MDEV=sdb1
CHDDMenuHandler::is_mounted: dev [/dev/sdb1] is not mounted
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [init - 151] icon name = information
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initCaption - 647] init header text: [ x 10 w 1260 ]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [6] [cc_text_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsText] [setText - 231] ct_text:
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 271] init header icon: information
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initCaption - 647] init header text: [ x 10 w 1260 ]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [6] [cc_text_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsText] [setText - 231] ct_text:
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [14] [cc_header][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [14] [cc_header] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [15] [cc_footer][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [15] [cc_footer] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [11] [cc_base_form][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [11] [cc_base_form] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [~CComponentsHeader] [~CComponentsHeader - 189] delete...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 2 address = 0x6f1550 [33m type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 2 address = 0x7b26e8 [33m type = [5] [cc_scalable_channellogo_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] removeCCItem removing cc_Item [id=1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [7] [cc_info_box][0m to form [cc_base_form -> current index=3]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [7] [cc_info_box] to form [current index=3]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 3, assigned index ======> 31
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow] [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader] [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 447 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 0 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 154 != y_old 0... [cc_yr = 0 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 17 [wg.hintbox]...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box] to form [current index=2]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsText] [setText - 231] ct_text: Information
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 1... [cc_xr = 447 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 0 != y_old 1... [cc_yr = 154 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 14 [cc_header]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 458, y = 206, dx = 338, dy = 0 item: cc_header [type: 14]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807, y = 165, dx = 0, dy = 30 item: cc_header [type: 14]
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 689], paint default box)...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box] to form [current index=2]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 44 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 491 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 0 != y_old 10... [cc_yr = 154 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 6 [cc_text_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 502, y = 206, dx = 239, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 752, y = 165, dx = 0, dy = 30 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 10 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 457 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y -2 != y_old -2... [cc_yr = 168 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 2 [cc_image_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 468, y = 192, dx = 2, dy = 0 item: cc_image_box [type: 2]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 481, y = 179, dx = 0, dy = 2 item: cc_image_box [type: 2]
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: information] [need init: 0]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 447 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 52 != y_old 0... [cc_yr = 206 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 11 [cc_base_form]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 458, y = 294, dx = 338, dy = 0 item: cc_base_form [type: 11]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807, y = 217, dx = 0, dy = 66 item: cc_base_form [type: 11]
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 689], paint default box)...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box] to form [current index=2]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0]
[neutrino] added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box] to form [current index=0]
[neutrino] addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 447 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y -2 != y_old -2... [cc_yr = 206 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 7 [cc_info_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 447, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 447, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 447, y = 294, dx = 360, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 88 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CComponentsText] [setText - 231] ct_text: sdb1: Gerät entfernt
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 457 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 0 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 206 != y_old 10... [cc_yr = 0 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem] [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 6 [cc_text_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 457, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 457, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 457, y = 294, dx = 340, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797, y = 294, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 88 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797, y = 206, dx = 0, dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
[initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 2 address = 0x7adeb0 [33m type = [14] [cc_header][0m
[neutrino] [~CComponentsHeader] [~CComponentsHeader - 189] delete...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x6ee338 [33m type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x7d7268 [33m type = [5] [cc_scalable_channellogo_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x75b258 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x789ca0 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x789e98 [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x78a098 [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x78a250 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 2 address = 0x7da5a8 [33m type = [11] [cc_base_form][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x7e5150 [33m type = [7] [cc_info_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x78a448 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x8416c8 [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x8418c8 [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x841a88 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x7b26e8 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x6f1548 [33m type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x6fc920 [33m type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x7e28a8 [33m type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [clearScreenBuffer - 406], cleanup pixbuf...[0m
Jan 10 09:15:48 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10108]: supported DPF/SPF (ID 04E8:2035) removed
Jan 10 09:15:48 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10108]: SPF in storage mode removed
Jan 10 09:15:48 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10108]: do nothing
Jan 10 09:15:48 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10108]: removing flagfile '/tmp/.lcd-4e8'
Jan 10 09:15:51 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10119]: supported device (ID 04E8:2036) found
Jan 10 09:15:51 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10119]: creating flagfile '/tmp/.lcd-4e8'
Jan 10 09:15:51 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10119]: SPF in monitor mode found
Jan 10 09:15:51 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10119]: do nothing
Jan 10 09:15:52 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10512]: remove 2-1 4e8 2036
Jan 10 09:15:52 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10512]: type 255/0/0
Jan 10 09:15:52 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info mdev-usb[10512]: 2-1 Vendor Specific
Jan 10 09:15:53 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info service[10527]: running /etc/init.d/extdisplay remove 2-1:1.0 4e8 2036
Jan 10 09:15:56 NI-FLASH-00057D user.err LCD4Linux[10023]: SamsungSPF: Error occurred while writing data to device.
Jan 10 09:15:56 NI-FLASH-00057D user.err LCD4Linux[10023]: SamsungSPF: usb_bulk_write returned: -6
Jan 10 09:15:56 NI-FLASH-00057D user.err LCD4Linux[10023]: SamsungSPF: Error occurred while sending jpeg image to device.
Jan 10 09:15:57 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10530]: supported DPF/SPF (ID 04E8:2036) removed
Jan 10 09:15:57 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10530]: DPF or SPF in monitor mode removed
Jan 10 09:15:57 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10530]: stopping lcd4linux
Jan 10 09:15:57 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info service[10761]: running /etc/init.d/lcd4linux stop
Jan 10 09:16:02 NI-FLASH-00057D user.info extdisplay[10530]: removing flagfile '/tmp/.lcd-4e8'