LCD4LINUX macht Probleme mit SPF-107H

Planet Hemp
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Sa 23. Apr 2016, 13:14

LCD4LINUX macht Probleme mit SPF-107H

Beitrag von Planet Hemp »

Hallo, vielleicht hat jemand einen Tipp. Bisher habe ich das SPF-72H problemlos nutzen können. Seit gestern habe ich jetzt ein SPF-107H-v2 und das macht Probleme. Ich starte es im Mass-Storage-Mode und es geht dann auch in den Mini-Monitor-Mode und wartet dort. Allerdings bleibt das so. Im Log ist zu sehen, dass die Schreibbefehle dann an das device fehlschlagen. Außerdem versucht das Image das device zu mounten, was m.E. eigentlich nicht passieren sollte. Das aktuelle Image ist zudem komplett neu aufgesetzt.
Ich habe mal den Log angehangen.

Weiß jemand was das Problem ist?

Code: Alles auswählen

[NI-FLASH-00057D] /var/root # [6nJan 10 09:15:28 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[9790]: add 2-1 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Digital Photo Frame
Jan 10 09:15:28 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[9790]: type 8/6/80
Jan 10 09:15:29 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[9790]: 2-1 Mass Storage Interface
Jan 10 09:15:29 NI-FLASH-00057D service[9814]: running /etc/init.d/extdisplay add 2-1:1.0 4e8 2035
Jan 10 09:15:29 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-mount[9821]: [add] mounting /dev/sdb1 to /media/sdb1
CRCInput::getMsg_us: INITID_NEUTRINO: msg a000001a size 59 data 0x7cd4a8
EVT_HOTPLUG: [ACTION=add MDEV=sdb1 DEVPATH=/block/sdb/sdb1 DEVNAME=sdb1 ]
CHDDMenuHandler::handleMsg: MDEV=sdb1
CHDDMenuHandler::is_mounted: dev [/dev/sdb1] is mounted
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [init - 151] icon name = information
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initCaption - 647] init header text:  [ x 10 w 1260 ]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [6] [cc_text_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsText]   [setText - 231] ct_text:  
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 271] init header icon: information
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initCaption - 647] init header text:  [ x 10 w 1260 ]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [6] [cc_text_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsText]   [setText - 231] ct_text:  
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [14] [cc_header][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [14] [cc_header]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [15] [cc_footer][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [15] [cc_footer]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [11] [cc_base_form][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [11] [cc_base_form]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [~CComponentsHeader]   [~CComponentsHeader - 189] delete...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 2 address = 0x6f1550 [33m   type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 2 address = 0x7b26e8 [33m   type = [5] [cc_scalable_channellogo_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]  removeCCItem removing cc_Item [id=1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [7] [cc_info_box][0m to form [cc_base_form -> current index=3] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [7] [cc_info_box]  to form [current index=3] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 3, assigned index ======> 31
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 427 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 0 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 154 != y_old 0... [cc_yr = 0 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 17  [wg.hintbox]...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box]  to form [current index=2] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsText]   [setText - 231] ct_text: Information 
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 1... [cc_xr = 427 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 0 != y_old 1... [cc_yr = 154 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 14  [cc_header]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 438,  y = 206, dx = 377,  dy = 0 item: cc_header [type: 14]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826,  y = 165, dx = 0,  dy = 30 item: cc_header [type: 14]
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 689], paint default box)...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box]  to form [current index=2] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 44 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 471 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 0 != y_old 10... [cc_yr = 154 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 6  [cc_text_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 482,  y = 206, dx = 239,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 732,  y = 165, dx = 0,  dy = 30 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 10 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 437 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y -2 != y_old -2... [cc_yr = 168 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 2  [cc_image_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 448,  y = 192, dx = 2,  dy = 0 item: cc_image_box [type: 2]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 461,  y = 179, dx = 0,  dy = 2 item: cc_image_box [type: 2]
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: information] [need init: 0]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 427 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 52 != y_old 0... [cc_yr = 206 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 11  [cc_base_form]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 438,  y = 294, dx = 377,  dy = 0 item: cc_base_form [type: 11]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826,  y = 217, dx = 0,  dy = 66 item: cc_base_form [type: 11]
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 689], paint default box)...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box]  to form [current index=2] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 427 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y -2 != y_old -2... [cc_yr = 206 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 7  [cc_info_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 427,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 427,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 427,  y = 294, dx = 399,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 88 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 826,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CComponentsText]   [setText - 231] ct_text: sdb1: Datenträger bereit 
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 437 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 0 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 206 != y_old 10... [cc_yr = 0 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 6  [cc_text_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 437,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 437,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 437,  y = 294, dx = 379,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 88 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 816,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[9819]: supported device (ID 04E8:2035) found
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[9819]: creating flagfile '/tmp/.lcd-4e8'
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[9819]: DPF or SPF in storage mode found
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[9819]: (re)starting lcd4linux
Jan 10 09:15:31 NI-FLASH-00057D service[9989]: running /etc/init.d/lcd4linux restart 
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 2 address = 0x7adeb0 [33m   type = [14] [cc_header][0m
[neutrino] [~CComponentsHeader]   [~CComponentsHeader - 189] delete...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x7d7270 [33m   type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x6ee330 [33m   type = [5] [cc_scalable_channellogo_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x75b258 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x789ca0 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x789e98 [33m   type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x78a098 [33m   type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x78a250 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 2 address = 0x7da5a8 [33m   type = [11] [cc_base_form][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x7b26f0 [33m   type = [7] [cc_info_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x847348 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x847558 [33m   type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x78a478 [33m   type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x847758 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x6f1548 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x7e28a8 [33m   type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x6fc920 [33m   type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x7e3450 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [clearScreenBuffer - 406], cleanup pixbuf...[0m
CHDDMenuHandler::setRecordPath: recordingdir already set to /media/sdb1/movies
Jan 10 09:15:39 NI-FLASH-00057D user.err LCD4Linux[10023]: removing stale PID file /var/run/
Jan 10 09:15:43 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-mount[10046]: [remove] unmounting /media/sdb1
Jan 10 09:15:43 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10048]: remove 2-1 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Digital Photo Frame
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10048]: type 8/6/80
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10048]: 2-1 Mass Storage Interface
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10060]: add 2-1 SAMSUNG SAMSUNG Digital Photo Frame
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10060]: type 255/0/0
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10060]: 2-1 Vendor Specific
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D service[10098]: running /etc/init.d/extdisplay remove 2-1:1.0 4e8 2036
Jan 10 09:15:44 NI-FLASH-00057D service[10106]: running /etc/init.d/extdisplay add 2-1:1.0 4e8 2036
CRCInput::getMsg_us: INITID_NEUTRINO: msg a000001a size 62 data 0x4a1000
EVT_HOTPLUG: [ACTION=remove MDEV=sdb1 DEVPATH=/block/sdb/sdb1 DEVNAME=sdb1 ]
CHDDMenuHandler::handleMsg: MDEV=sdb1
CHDDMenuHandler::is_mounted: dev [/dev/sdb1] is not mounted
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [init - 151] icon name = information
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initCaption - 647] init header text:  [ x 10 w 1260 ]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [6] [cc_text_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsText]   [setText - 231] ct_text:  
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 271] init header icon: information
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initCaption - 647] init header text:  [ x 10 w 1260 ]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [6] [cc_text_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsText]   [setText - 231] ct_text:  
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_header -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: ] [need init: 1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [14] [cc_header][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [14] [cc_header]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [15] [cc_footer][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [15] [cc_footer]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [11] [cc_base_form][0m to form [cc_base_window -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [11] [cc_base_form]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [~CComponentsHeader]   [~CComponentsHeader - 189] delete...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 2 address = 0x6f1550 [33m   type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 2 address = 0x7b26e8 [33m   type = [5] [cc_scalable_channellogo_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]  removeCCItem removing cc_Item [id=1]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [7] [cc_info_box][0m to form [cc_base_form -> current index=3] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [7] [cc_info_box]  to form [current index=3] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 3, assigned index ======> 31
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [CComponentsWindow]   [initCCWItems - 332] init items...
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]      [removeContextButtons - 464] removing 0 context buttons...
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 447 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 0 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 154 != y_old 0... [cc_yr = 0 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 17  [wg.hintbox]...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box]  to form [current index=2] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsText]   [setText - 231] ct_text: Information 
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 1... [cc_xr = 447 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 0 != y_old 1... [cc_yr = 154 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 14  [cc_header]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 458,  y = 206, dx = 338,  dy = 0 item: cc_header [type: 14]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807,  y = 165, dx = 0,  dy = 30 item: cc_header [type: 14]
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 689], paint default box)...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box]  to form [current index=2] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 44 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 491 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 0 != y_old 10... [cc_yr = 154 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 6  [cc_text_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 502,  y = 206, dx = 239,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 752,  y = 165, dx = 0,  dy = 30 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 10 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 457 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y -2 != y_old -2... [cc_yr = 168 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 2  [cc_image_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 468,  y = 192, dx = 2,  dy = 0 item: cc_image_box [type: 2]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 481,  y = 179, dx = 0,  dy = 2 item: cc_image_box [type: 2]
[neutrino] [CComponentsPicture] initCCItem - 176 : no init required [file: information] [need init: 0]...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 447 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 52 != y_old 0... [cc_yr = 206 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 11  [cc_base_form]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 458,  y = 294, dx = 338,  dy = 0 item: cc_base_form [type: 11]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807,  y = 217, dx = 0,  dy = 66 item: cc_base_form [type: 11]
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [paintFbItems - 689], paint default box)...[0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 1
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [12] [cc_chain][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [12] [cc_chain]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 2
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [8] [cc_box][0m to form [cc_chain -> current index=2] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [8] [cc_box]  to form [current index=2] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 2, assigned index ======> 21
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [addCCItem-206] try to add cc_Item [33m  type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m to form [cc_scrollbar -> current index=0] 
[neutrino]      added cc_Item (type = [2] [cc_image_box]  to form [current index=0] 
[neutrino]      addCCItem-218 parent index = 0, assigned index ======> 3
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm] paintCCItems: page_count = 1, item_page = 0, cur_page = 0
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 0 != x_old 0... [cc_xr = 447 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y -2 != y_old -2... [cc_yr = 206 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 7  [cc_info_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 447,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 447,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 447,  y = 294, dx = 360,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 88 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 807,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_info_box [type: 7]
[neutrino] [CComponentsText]   [setText - 231] ct_text: sdb1: Gerät entfernt 
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 102], Pos changes x 457 != x_old 10... [cc_xr = 0 cc_xr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [applyPosChanges - 108], Pos changes y 206 != y_old 10... [cc_yr = 0 cc_yr_old = 0][0m
[neutrino] [1;32m[CComponentsItem]      [paintInit - 198], init and paint item type = 6  [cc_text_box]...[0m
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 457,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 457,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 457,  y = 294, dx = 340,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797,  y = 294, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 88 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CCDraw]     [paintFbItems - 547], INFO! Position < 0 or dx and/or dy = 0, x = 797,  y = 206, dx = 0,  dy = 0 item: cc_text_box [type: 6]
[neutrino] [CComponentsHeader]
    [initIcon - 281] init icon size: iw = 24, ih = 24
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 2 address = 0x7adeb0 [33m   type = [14] [cc_header][0m
[neutrino] [~CComponentsHeader]   [~CComponentsHeader - 189] delete...
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x6ee338 [33m   type = [6] [cc_text_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x7d7268 [33m   type = [5] [cc_scalable_channellogo_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x75b258 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x789ca0 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x789e98 [33m   type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x78a098 [33m   type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x78a250 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 2 address = 0x7da5a8 [33m   type = [11] [cc_base_form][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x7e5150 [33m   type = [7] [cc_info_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x78a448 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x8416c8 [33m   type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x8418c8 [33m   type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x841a88 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 3 address = 0x7b26e8 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 2 of 3 address = 0x6f1548 [33m   type = [12] [cc_chain][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 1 of 1 address = 0x6fc920 [33m   type = [8] [cc_box][0m
[neutrino] [CComponentsForm]    [clear-193] delete form cc-item 3 of 3 address = 0x7e28a8 [33m   type = [2] [cc_image_box][0m
[neutrino] [33m[CCDraw] [clearScreenBuffer - 406], cleanup pixbuf...[0m
Jan 10 09:15:48 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10108]: supported DPF/SPF (ID 04E8:2035) removed
Jan 10 09:15:48 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10108]: SPF in storage mode removed
Jan 10 09:15:48 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10108]: do nothing
Jan 10 09:15:48 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10108]: removing flagfile '/tmp/.lcd-4e8'
Jan 10 09:15:51 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10119]: supported device (ID 04E8:2036) found
Jan 10 09:15:51 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10119]: creating flagfile '/tmp/.lcd-4e8'
Jan 10 09:15:51 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10119]: SPF in monitor mode found
Jan 10 09:15:51 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10119]: do nothing
Jan 10 09:15:52 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10512]: remove 2-1 4e8 2036
Jan 10 09:15:52 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10512]: type 255/0/0
Jan 10 09:15:52 NI-FLASH-00057D mdev-usb[10512]: 2-1 Vendor Specific
Jan 10 09:15:53 NI-FLASH-00057D service[10527]: running /etc/init.d/extdisplay remove 2-1:1.0 4e8 2036
Jan 10 09:15:56 NI-FLASH-00057D user.err LCD4Linux[10023]: SamsungSPF: Error occurred while writing data to device.
Jan 10 09:15:56 NI-FLASH-00057D user.err LCD4Linux[10023]: SamsungSPF: usb_bulk_write returned: -6
Jan 10 09:15:56 NI-FLASH-00057D user.err LCD4Linux[10023]: SamsungSPF: Error occurred while sending jpeg image to device.
Jan 10 09:15:57 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10530]: supported DPF/SPF (ID 04E8:2036) removed
Jan 10 09:15:57 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10530]: DPF or SPF in monitor mode removed
Jan 10 09:15:57 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10530]: stopping lcd4linux
Jan 10 09:15:57 NI-FLASH-00057D service[10761]: running /etc/init.d/lcd4linux stop 
Jan 10 09:16:02 NI-FLASH-00057D extdisplay[10530]: removing flagfile '/tmp/.lcd-4e8'
Beiträge: 2869
Registriert: Mi 13. Apr 2016, 10:55
Box: E2HD, VU+ Uno4kSE, VU+ Ultimate4k
Has thanked: 66 times
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Re: LCD4LINUX macht Probleme mit SPF-107H

Beitrag von Gorcon »

Planet Hemp hat geschrieben: Fr 10. Jan 2020, 14:39 Außerdem versucht das Image das device zu mounten, was m.E. eigentlich nicht passieren sollte. Das aktuelle Image ist zudem komplett neu aufgesetzt.
Am falschen Anschluss betrieben?
Zumindest mein SPF105H hat zwei USB Anschlüsse und läuft nur am Mini USB Anschluss
Planet Hemp
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Sa 23. Apr 2016, 13:14

Re: LCD4LINUX macht Probleme mit SPF-107H

Beitrag von Planet Hemp »

Ja, der läuft am Mini-USB. Der größere USB ist frei.
Planet Hemp
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Sa 23. Apr 2016, 13:14

Re: LCD4LINUX macht Probleme mit SPF-107H

Beitrag von Planet Hemp »

seltsam, wenn ich im Layout Samsung1024x600_standard alles auf Kommentar setze und nur 'S_TTF-EPG-NOW1' ausführe, dann springt das LCD an. Danach kann ich die Kommentare entfernen und nach einem restart vom lcd4linux funktioniert das. Daher meine Vermutung, dass die 1. Aufbereitung vom Layout zu lange dauert und das LCD ein timeout bekommt.

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